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The thyroid gland also helps to grow taller

We know that the human growth hormone secreted by our pituitary gland is the hormone responsible for growing taller, but there is another important hormone that we need to consider if we want to increase our height. And that is the hormone that our thyroid gland produces.

The thyroid gland is the largest gland in our body. It is located in the lower part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (also known as the Adam’s apple for men). The thyroid also helps to grow taller because the thyroxine hormone that is produced by this gland helps to regulate the metabolic rate of the body and also controls the rate of oxidation in our body. So we need this tassel to work properly to maximize the height. If you only notice, this is the reason why people or children with thyroid hormone deficiency do not increase in height and always have brain problems.

Unlike the pituitary gland which can be affected by many things to produce human growth hormone, the thyroid needs only one chemical element to function properly and that is iodine. The thyroid combines tyrosine (essential amino acid) with iodine to produce thyroxine. This is the hormone we need to be taller. We need around 70 to 150 micrograms of dietary intake of iodine. Inadequate iodine intake can cause an enlarged thyroid gland or also known as a goiter. However, too much iodine can also lead to goiter and can stunt growth and development throughout the body.

Food sources rich in iodine are any type of fish and shellfish, particularly algae. Other sources are asparagus, garlic, seaweed, lima beans, mushrooms, and spinach. The best and most common source of iodine is iodized salts.

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