Health Fitness

Gain Weight the Healthy Way: 5 Tips to Gain Weight

I do not mean that all thin people are not fit and strong. The exception of a rule also applies here. But most of us fall for “rules.” Gain weight and watch people admire your new curves and glowing skin. Since the skin is stretched with extra pounds, it looks healthier and more glowing.

It is a well known fact that being obese increases the risk of chronic diseases, being too thin can also be a cause of heart failure and cancer. Underweight elderly people can lead to frailty, osteoporosis, and a propensity for hip fractures. An underweight man can also increase the likelihood of erectile dysfunction.

Gaining weight is not about gorging on junk food or anything that can harm your health, more than helping. Follow these tips to gain weight naturally and follow what applies to you.

Weight Gain Tip 1: Make Sure You Don’t Lose Weight!
Yes, while you’re doing your best to gain weight, it’s more important to make sure you’re not losing those hard-earned pounds without your knowledge. So get on that scale regularly and check that you are at least maintaining the current weight.

Don’t gorge on too much in 3 meals a day to gain weight. Instead, divide it into 6 meals at regular intervals. Your goal should be to eat every 3 hours and you are on the right track to gain weight.

Tip 2 for weight gain: calories and calories
If you feel like you are eating enough and not gaining weight, you should check your definition of sufficient. Calculate your current calorie intake and increase it by an additional 300-500 calories per day and that should be your calorie intake to increase your weight. With that, it should gain 0.5 to 1 pound per week. If your weight gain is less than that, increase it by an additional 300 calories per day and watch. It is also very important to make sure that you are not winning too fast. Yes! Slow and study wins the race. So if you’re gaining more than 1 pound per week, cut your calories by 300 and get the balance right.

weight gain Tip 3: weight training
Okay, now all the weight you are gaining will continue to be fat that needs to be turned into muscle. So don’t immediately start lifting heavy weights and pushing yourself to do a ridiculous amount of bench presses, push-ups, etc. Remember our “slow and steady” mantra. Start by running, stretching, and lifting light weights and gradually increase at regular intervals.
When you are good at this step, your weight gain will be 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Tip 4 for weight gain: drink enough water
Yes, I mean water is not something you expect! One needs to drink half a gallon of water every day. If you can drink more than that, even better. You don’t want to be a victim of dehydration, which can lead to many other health problems. And of course, you want to increase your stamina and fitness, right? Okay, so it’s water therapy for you.

Weight gain Tip 5: R and R
Rest and Relax, give your body a break to enjoy this new attention that you are giving. Get a good night’s sleep and relax with music or friends. Be in the company of people who encourage you and appreciate your efforts. This is the most neglected but important advice.

Avoid trans fats at all costs and say yes to good fats. Although you want to gain weight, you definitely do not want to gain weight, which is just fat. Avoid too many cakes and fries. Fried foods and no more visits to fast food places. Reduce your daily intake of coffee and tea, if possible switch to green tea with more antioxidants, milk with protein powder.

Gaining a healthy weight is as easy or difficult as losing weight depending on the individual and body type. But the fact of remembering is that it is possible. Don’t get obsessed with doing the right thing and trying your best to gain weight. It is your body and you must love and accept it first and convince yourself that you are going to gain weight to feel better than to impress others. The key is to be consistent and patient.

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