Lifestyle Fashion

Why does my skin look younger when I use a CyroTherapy full body sauna regularly?

Well, thanks for this question, and to answer your question quickly, there are a couple of reasons.

First, Whole Body CyroTherapy helps your body make collagen. As we age, our collagen levels decrease, so increasing this level is a good idea. Collagen is the protein that keeps skin young.

Second, when you are in a CyroTherapy sauna, the blood vessels near the surface contract from the cold. When you go out, your blood quickly returns to warm your body again, this is exercised close to the blood vessels on the surface, allowing your body to deliver nutrients. As these blood vessels strengthen, they are there to help keep your skin in a nutrient-rich flow.

Does Whole Body Cryo also help with hair and nails?

Yes, it certainly does. And rightly so you’ve deduced that since collagen protein is also responsible for hair and nail health, Whole Body Cryo (WBC) revitalizes here, too. WBC inhibits anti-collagen enzymes (collagenase) that break peptide bonds in collagen.

Since collagen is found in bones, tendons, cartilage, joints, blood vessels, and the digestive system, you can understand why it is so important in our bodies. With the skin, it replaces dead skin cells and strengthens the elasticity of the skin.

Now, I would like to offer you some real research on this topic, a very interesting research study that I found on Research Gate titled; “Thermographic study of skin response due to whole body cryotherapy”, which was published in Skin Research and Technology (18 (2): 180-7 April 2011) or DOI: 10.1111 / j.1600-0846.2011 .00550.x – by Armand Cholewka, Agata stanek, Alexander Sieron and Zofia Drazazga: This document is worth reading.

Would cryotherapy work better than collagen supplements? Perhaps because it is difficult to tell whether your body will absorb swallowed tablets, especially as you age, which is when something like this would be really important to you. What about collagen injections in the specific areas that need attention? Sure, that would probably be just as good or better, still, that requires a doctor’s visit or a visit to a skin specialist, while cryotherapy doesn’t.

Yes, some skin specialists are now using localized cryotherapy for such things in addition to collagen injections, therefore you get the best of both worlds, still, whole body cryotherapy is great for many things, and now you can. add to that list; Skin care and condition. Consider all of this and think about it.

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