Health Fitness

Which is better: protein of animal or vegetable origin?

There are two types of proteins, complete and incomplete, that come from plant or animal sources. Protein supplements, no matter what type they are, are also derived from plant or animal sources. Which is better among animal or plant proteins depends on several factors. There are those who choose not to eat meat or animal products for moral, ethical and religious reasons. Some find themselves unable to afford many forms of animal protein most of the time. Then there are those who simply love the taste of a good juicy steak served with a nice cold beer. For our purposes, protein comparisons will be based on these factors:

– Nutritional value

– Cost versus value

– Availability

What is a protein?

The human diet is made up of three macronutrients and many micronutrients. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, the body does not store protein easily, so there is a daily need. This should not be confused with a free license to eat unlimited protein, because your body can, will, and stores extra calories from protein in the form of fat, but it does so with more difficulty. Proteins are vital to all cells in the body and play a role in a number of important functions. Half of the protein we get from our diet is used to make enzymes, which then digest food, make new cells, and produce neurotransmitters, which in turn send nerve messages throughout the body.

Protein plays an important role in the creation of RNA and DNA, the building blocks of life and the carriers of our genetic material. Proteins are used to create contractile muscle tissue, connective tissue, and cell membranes, and contribute to the formation of bone matrix and help maintain fluid balance. It regulates the pH balance of the blood, works on the formation of hormones and enzymes that play a role in digestion, and helps regulate sleep and ovulation. It also contributes to the immune function of the body because antibodies are proteins. (Source: Nelson 2009)

Complete versus incomplete proteins

Proteins are broken down into amino acids during the digestive process, absorbed, and then used to make new amino acids. The body cannot make eight of these amino acids, which are called essential amino acids. These are leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and lysine. In children, an additional amino acid, histidine, is added to the list, but most adults can create it themselves. (Source: The Vegetarian Society)

All animal proteins are considered complete proteins because they contain all eight essential amino acids. Plant-based proteins, on the other hand, are considered incomplete because they lack one or more of the essential amino acids. For example, grains, nuts, and seeds are low in isoleucine and lysine. Legumes, on the other hand, are low in the amino acids tryptophan and methionine. (Source: Best)

Many people assume that because plant proteins, with the exception of soybeans and soy products, are incomplete, animal proteins are better. However, with a varied vegetarian or vegan diet, there are more than enough sources of protein to get all the nutrition and the right amount of protein every day. Additionally, whey protein is the best natural source of branched chain amino acids, the only amino acid that is directly metabolized to muscle tissue and used first during exercise and resistance training. (Source: Whey Protein Institute)

The bottom line: in this field, the advantage goes to proteins of animal origin with the eight essential amino acids. Honorable mention goes to soy-based protein, which is also a complete protein, and whey protein, which is also complete and is the highest natural food source of BCAAs.

Nutritional value

Animal proteins are complete proteins and also provide a number of vital micronutrients per serving. However, there are also other things that you get from most animal proteins: saturated fat and cholesterol. There are better options and substitutions that can be made, but it is still clear that in terms of fat, calories and cholesterol, plant proteins are the clear winners. If you’re a devoted meat eater, there are ways to minimize the damage they can cause, including limiting red meat to just a small serving every ten days or less and opting for healthier cooking methods when choosing foods. Good sources of animal protein include roasted and skinless turkey breast, salmon and other fish (which are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids), eggs and milk, and low-fat cheeses.

Plant proteins, while not complete, tend to have a lower calorie count and little to no saturated fat for the most part. However, there are a number of plant-based proteins that have a higher calorie count than others, including nuts and rice. Opting for brown rice increases the fiber content and makes it a healthier option than white rice.

Both animal and vegetable proteins can have their place in a nutritious and balanced diet; however, it is important to watch your serving size or portion size and calorie count to avoid overeating and getting too much of even the most important nutrients.

Cost versus value

For many people, the cost of meat can cause them to consume less animal protein than they would choose for themselves. Meat is expensive, especially some cuts of beef. Turkey and, to a lesser extent, chicken are better sources of protein and tend to be cheaper. Buy what you can afford and learn ways to stretch your food a little more. Remember, the need for protein is important, but the amount you need to eat each day is not huge.

Beans, one of the cheapest sources of protein, can be purchased in bulk and stored in the freezer until needed. There are literally no limits to the ways beans can be used, even baking in place of oil or other fats. You can choose from beans of all sizes and colors and you will never have to make the same recipe the same way twice.


There are so many different types of protein that you can literally find them everywhere. Animal and plant-based proteins are widely available, including soybeans and soy products. Additionally, protein supplements are often found in stores alongside other products or online for easy purchase. Protein supplements include liquid protein shots, shakes, puddings, powders, and bars. When looking for a good supplement, make sure it has high-quality protein and doesn’t have a lot of added sugar or other unnecessary ingredients. Some of the protein bars have very little protein but contain enough sugar and calories to qualify as a chocolate bar. Profect, an injected liquid protein supplement from Protica, is only 100 calories, contains no carbohydrates or fat, but provides a full 25 grams of protein per serving.


Ben Best Does Excess Protein Cause Kidney Damage?

Lisa Nelson Protein and Heart Health: How Much Do You Need? Health Central November 30, 2009

The Vegetarian Society

The Whey Protein Society

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