
Solar panel for home

When researching which home solar panel a person could use in a DIY situation, it is imperative to pay attention to the parts of the solar cell.

A photovoltaic cell, also called a solar cell, is the main component that generates electricity in a solar panel. Photovoltaic is a term that is related to the production of electrical current in the union of two silicon semiconductors that are exposed to light (not necessarily to sunlight) and comes from the word “photo” which means light and “voltaic” which means electricity. When grouped together they form a solar module which can then be placed in a frame to make a solar panel. Solar cells found in some calculators, on satellites, and even on Mars rovers are also called photovoltaic cells or panels. Any light that falls on a solar cell can cause a reaction inside it creating electricity. The most efficient light source would be the sun.

The parts of a solar cell are:

1. P-type semiconductor

– This is a very thin layer comparable to the thickness of a paper or card that is designed to have loose, free-moving positive particles called “holes”. Just imagine that this layer is carrying positive particles that want to bond with the negative ones and that keep moving until they find an opposite match.

2. N-type semiconductor

– This is basically the same as the P-type shell except that it carries “electrons” in free movement. Imagine that it carries negative particles that are also constantly looking for an opposite positive partner. This is also the part of the cell where the light passes.

3. PN junction

– This is a part of the solar cell that is created as soon as the P-type and N-type semiconductors come together. This is where the electric field is created and separates the “holes” (positive) from the “electrons” (negative) . This splitter or junction is affected when hit by light, causing the particles to get excited and move on either side of the splitter.

4. Positive driver

– This is the layer located at the bottom of the P-type semiconductor and works as a way for the particles to move from P to N or vice versa. This is where the positive cable connects.

5. Negative driver

– This also serves as a path for the same particles as the Positive Conductor layer. This part of the solar cell is usually represented by the strips on top of the N-type semiconductor where the light is emitted. This is where the negative cable connects.

6. Anti-reflective coating

– Silicon can reflect approximately 35% of sunlight, so a layer should be placed that can prevent this from happening. This is the job of the anti-reflective layer where sunlight is emitted, effectively providing better function for semiconductors.

The way these parts work is very simple (but it can get complicated in detail); type P contains the positive particles while type N contains the negative ones; then they move when light hits the PN junction; The movement is then extended to the pathways that are the positive and negative conductors that create the electrical current that, when intercepted, can be used to power electrical devices.

The solar cell can then be grouped together to make a chain that can also be grouped with similar chains creating a solar module that, when placed in a frame, forms a solar panel that, in turn, can be connected to other solar panels. creating a solar panel. Each time cells are grouped together, the power output increases, thus powering more devices, and even an entire city. You are now on your way to building the correct solar panel for your home.

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