Legal Law

Family lawyers in Sedgwick County can help with all varieties of divorce matters.

Divorce matters can be challenging and emotional for the parties going through it. There are several types of ways that the parties can resolve their divorce. No matter what your circumstance, the divorce attorneys in Sedgwick County can help you through the process. Stange Law Firm, PC exclusively practices divorce and family law and has attorneys who can help no matter the circumstances. Below you will see different ways divorce matters can move forward and be concluded:

Contested Divorce: Not all divorces are settled amicably out of court. There may be circumstances where one party does not want to get a divorce, but the other spouse nevertheless goes ahead and files. There may also be situations where both parties want a divorce, but may have marked differences over issues such as property and debt division, child custody, child support, spousal support, or fee contribution. legal. The Stange Law Firm has divorce attorneys in Sedgwick County to represent clients in such matters. These types of divorces involve a lot of diligence on the part of the lawyers. You need all the information the party can provide you in order to effectively represent your client in a competent, communicative and diligent manner.

Divorces by mutual agreement: In these cases, both parties want a divorce. In some cases, the parties may even agree to resolve all issues, such as child custody, child support, spousal support, property and debt division, and legal fees. When that is the case, liquidation procedures can be put together. The divorce can then be concluded through an uncontested hearing or by affidavit. In other cases, while the parties may want a divorce, they may not agree on all the issues. When that is the case, mediation or collaborative law can help the parties reach an agreement. Certainly, there is potential for less stress with an uncontested divorce compared to contested divorce cases.

High Asset Divorces: High asset divorces do occur in Wichita Kansas. In addition to child custody, issues such as valuation and division of marital assets and debts can be cumbersome. Obtaining property valuations can be critical, as well as identifying all assets, including any hidden assets that might be there. The attorneys at Stange Law Firm can help assess and identify all marital assets and debts. Whatever the case may be, you can expect diligent representation from the attorneys at Stange Law Firm.

Disclaimer: Choosing your attorney is a vital decision and should not be relied upon by advertisements. Kick Stange is responsible for the content. 120 S Central Avenue, Suite 450, Clayton, MO 63105

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