
Dog food is expensive! – Save money, make your own

If you have a dog, then you know how expensive dog food can be. I know I recently went to the local grocery store to buy dog ​​food for my dog ​​and was absolutely stunned by the dramatic price increase. The price increase was so high that I had to find a different dog food than usual. Now I managed to find a cheaper brand but it was still over twenty dollars for a forty pound bag. That got me thinking about other ways to feed my dog ​​that would be much more profitable for me.

After some thought, I decided to make my own dog food. Now, making your own dog food can take a bit longer, but there are plenty of great recipes available. I know from experience that my dogs like the food I prepare better than the bagged food I can buy and even the canned food that is available.

Not only that when you make your own dog food you will know what the ingredients are. That’s the other item I found when I started looking at dog food bags. I found that I couldn’t determine what the label on some of the ingredients meant. Now some of the labels are very simple, but some of them are so confusing that you have to search the internet to find out what it means. Some of the available studies would probably surprise you.

Finding the dog food recipes to save some money is very easy to do. I know I’ve bought a couple of books that actually give the recipe and include information on how you can prepare the food so that your dog has the proper caloric intake and fat content. Now, if you’re raising your dog or have a pregnant female, she requires a different type of food, so you may want to check with your vet or find a book specifically for that problem.

Making your own dog food will save you money and you’ll know what’s going on. Your dogs will probably love homemade food too. I know my dogs love the food I make for them and the increase in my weekly grocery bill is barely noticeable, but my dogs seem to be happier eating the homemade food than bagged or canned dog food.

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