Chocolate and happiness: what’s the connection?

There are hundreds of natural chemicals in chocolate and they affect our brain by emitting neurotransmitters. These can affect our feelings and make us feel happy. The raw and unprocessed beans of the cacao tree are one of the so-called ‘superfoods’, so they fall into the same category as the humble broccoli florets that many kids hate. Cocoa beans contain […]

9 surprising benefits of organic honey

Honey is an essential good and, for more than 2,500 years, it has been used by countless cultures. It is used a lot to heal wounds. Furthermore, it is also consumed by many for its amazing health benefits. You can take it raw or mix it with warm water or juice, any way you like! You can even add a […]

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Fudge Recipe

Chocolate lovers look no further! Doesn’t sound like a healthy treat, does it? So is ‘low fat’ really healthy? Recent research is finding that ‘low fat’ actually means more sugar. Start reading your food labels carefully. There is nothing healthy about a higher content of sugar or artificial sweeteners! So if you’re like me and you like sweets, take a […]

Healthy changes for heart month

From My Heart to Yours: Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US Consider renewing your commitment to heart-healthy habits during Heart Month and beyond. Knowing that heart disease affects so many people in the United States, I am sure that many of you can relate to my story. My dad had heart disease since I was […]

Health and sugar: extra frosting on the cake

The United States has a sugar problem and it is getting bigger every day. Did you know that an estimated one in four people has diabetes or is in a prediabetic condition? In 1801, historians estimated that sugar consumption per person was about 8.4 pounds of sugar per year, which translates to about 2.2 teaspoons a day. Current consumption has […]

The benefits of Blackstrap molasses

I recently discovered it and proceeded to purchase my first bottle of blackstrap molasses. It seemed like a cruel joke that after buying it, I discovered that its health benefits have been known for generations – my grandmother’s generation, who used it as a health tonic and treatment for anemia. The minerals in the bottle of blackstrap mollas I bought […]

Take your baking to a healthier level

While the holidays bring smells of gingerbread and sugar cookies, pumpkin pie, and pecan brownies, baking is a year-round hobby for many, which is great for your friends and family, but not the best when you try. maintain a healthy lifestyle. . It’s easy to get sucked into the fun of baking and forget about the sugar, butter, and extra […]

Refined White Sugar – White Poison!

“Refined white sugar is largely to blame for some forms of diabetes, whose victims face the threat of blindness and other serious deficiencies, not to mention heart disease, stroke, schizophrenia, alcoholism, and possibly some cancers. “. [1] according to Dr. Robert D. McCracken, an anthropologist at the University of California (UCLA). The big charge against refined white sugar is its […]