Health Fitness

Is your “healthy” breakfast doing you more harm than good?

Listening to clients tell me about their diets, I have come across a common pattern with what people are eating for breakfast. When people eat breakfast, they haven’t eaten in about 8 hours, so it’s an important meal!

Four very popular breakfast items are cereal, toast, fruit juice, and coffee. Let’s take a look at all four and see why they are not good options and finally see some good alternatives.


The boxed cereal that you buy in supermarkets and even health food stores is produced through a process called extrusion. The basic processes of this processing are the grains that are turned into a slurry and then a machine called an extruder forces the slurry out of a small hole at high temperatures and pressure. This is where the cereal shape is made, this could be animal shapes, O’s, flakes, etc. These shapes are then passed through a nozzle and sprayed with a layer of oil and sugar.

This extrusion process used for these grains destroys most of the nutrients in the grains. Destroy fatty acids, destroy chemical vitamins that are added last. Amino acids become very toxic from this process. This is how all boxed cereals are made, even those from health food stores, which may be even worse for you as they often have more protein which, of course, becomes toxic by extrusion.

Boxed cereal will also typically have a high glycemic index. This basically means that the carbohydrates in the cereal will be released quickly into the blood as glucose and will result in fat storage, insulin resistance, low energy levels, and hunger closely followed.

Fruit juice

Commercial fruit juice is just sugar water and has actually been more damaging to the teeth of the test animals than sodas. The manufacture of fruit juices is a highly industrialized process. Taking orange juice as an example, the whole orange would be used, which means that all pesticide sprays are in the peel. The juice is pasteurized at high pressure and temperature, which will destroy the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Even with this pasteurization process, pressure and temperature resistant fungi and molds can remain in the juice.

The fact that fruit juice is so full of sugary carbohydrates means that drinking a large glass, which is often done very easily, will cause your blood sugar (glucose) levels to spike very quickly. Your pancreas will release a lot of insulin to make the body’s cells more receptive to glucose in the blood and this allows much of the glucose to be stored in the form of fat, as that is the only other place it can go.

If you want to drink juice, you must prepare your own using organic fruits.


Here are some things that could be improved. First of all, margarine spread is extremely bad for you. Through a process called hydrogenation, unsaturated fats like oils are hydrogenated, which changes their structure to make them solid at room temperature. These hydrogenated fats are foreign to the body and cause heart disease, cancer and many more problems. Instead of margarine you should use organic butter. Organic grass-fed butter is a very nutritious food. People are convinced that it is dangerous, when in fact it is a valuable component of many traditional diets. It contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. These fat-soluble vitamins are really lacking in the modern diet and should be consumed more. You don’t have to worry about the fat in the butter, even if most of the fats are saturated. Fat is a must for good health and just a few of the benefits of saturated fat include shaping and integrity of cells, a vital role in bone health, protecting the liver against alcohol and other toxins, enhancing the immune system, and It is necessary for the correct use of essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6, etc.).

You also need to address what you put on top of the butter. The jams are packed with sugar, if it’s low in sugar then they use sweeteners that are even worse. Most spreads are packed with all kinds of things that you don’t want on your body. Putting raw honey on toast is a good alternative, or sliced ​​ham or organic free-range eggs.

Even if the bread you use is whole wheat bread, that doesn’t mean it’s 100 percent whole wheat. Most are made from a mixture of refined flour and whole wheat flour, typically 50 to 70 percent white flour, but it can go up to 90 percent. If you find a bread that uses 100 percent whole wheat flour and is soft and fluffy like white bread, it will have a lot of yeast and added sugar. Obviously this is not good, the sugar you already know is not good and too much yeast can be harmful. Yeast is very resistant and does not die even after baking. In your intestines, they can grow out of control and lead to a yeast or yeast infection. Candida gives symptoms like sugar cravings, chronic fatigue, tiredness, eating disorders, and many more. Another reason some breads are not good is that many of their vitamins and minerals have been destroyed or removed during production. This being the case, the body has to take nutrients from the body’s own reserves to digest the bread. This can lead to deficiencies.

A good alternative to this common bread is rye bread or sourdough breads made without added yeast. These breads are tougher and much heavier and it may take a while to get used to, but once you switch, you will never go back!


Many people drink coffee to get going in the morning, but in the long run you’re suppressing your energy-producing glands, making you dependent on coffee. Coffee has been shown to increase the risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee can raise blood pressure and stress hormone levels. Among other things, these elevated stress hormones will cause you to store fat and lose muscle. Coffee is also a heavily sprayed crop, so drinking coffee is likely to expose you to a dose of pesticides with every cup. Pesticides have been associated with a number of health problems including cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and miscarriages.

If you try to stop drinking coffee right away, you are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms that can include a severe headache, fatigue, and depression. While you are leaving coffee, some things you can do to reduce the possibility of harmful effects are to use organic coffee. This will limit your exposure to toxins and will also help people who work in the coffee fields as they will also be exposed to fewer pesticides! Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Avoid milk and sugar, as sugar is obviously not good and supermarket milk is not good (see my article on milk to find out why!). Try using unbleached filters. With drip coffee makers, the bright white filters are bleached with chlorine and some of the chlorine will be removed from the filter during the brewing process.


Some good alternatives are:

Eggs that can be eaten in an omelette, fried in rye bread, etc.

Porridge, try to properly prepare oatmeal by soaking it the night before in acidic water. This soaking process neutralizes phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Vitamin content increases, particularly B vitamins, tannins, complex sugars, gluten, and other difficult-to-digest substances are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.

Smoothie, made yourself with a blender. You can put whatever you want. Some suggestions are fruits, vegetables, milk, water, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, etc.

Live yogurt with raw honey, chopped fruit, ground nuts and seeds.

Why do you need to eat a “breakfast” in the morning? It is like any other food and you can eat any other food! So something like veggies with a steak and melted grass-fed organic butter is perfect!

James White.

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