Pros and Cons of Green Coffee Bean Extract

In this article I will review the pros and cons of the green coffee bean extract diet. This weight loss system has been featured on various television shows and advertised on the internet. but does it really work? First of all, let me tell you exactly how green bean extracts work. The pure green bean contains a high level of […]

4 high protein meal ideas

Protein meals don’t just refer to all meat! Many vegetables are very high in protein. You will also get carbs in vegetables, but unrefined carbs are good for you. That is a great source of energy. Carbohydrates to avoid are starches and refined sugars. A good protein-based meal will include some meat, fish, or poultry. It will also have beans […]

The benefits of probiotics and the best sources

The benefits of probiotics are legendary. Probiotics are bacteria essential for life. There are about 1,000 different strains of bacteria, yeast, protazoa, and various other microorganisms that inhabit your body. This represents about 2 kg, 4 pounds of your body weight. Most live in your digestive system, but there are colonies all over your body, particularly at every orifice. The […]

Foods that heal hard stools

Everyone suffers from constipation from time to time. But what do you do if it’s an everyday thing? The human intestine is most comfortable when it produces stools (bowel movements) of a desirable consistency and size. “A brown banana” is a good way to think of the ideal stool: not too hard, not too soft, not too big, not too […]

The many faces of chocolate

No matter how you fix it, chicken is still chicken, fish is still fish, and broccoli is still broccoli. You cook them using various methods, or eat your vegetables and fruits raw or cooked, but they are always only part of a meal. Chocolate, on the other hand, comes in a wide variety of ways to use, hot or cold, […]

Why too much starch is dangerous

FOR several chapters I have been acquainting you with protein and explaining why protein is your first dietary need. In reality, the history of proteins is so old that it is new. There were no nutrition scientists or health teachers to warn our prehistoric cavemen ancestors that if they wanted to be alert and powerful enough to survive the incredible […]

Natural cure for diabetes

Food therapy should be followed under the supervision of your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that your sugar levels do not exceed the recommended level. Foods to avoid It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice cream, cakes, pastries, sweet cakes, chocolates, […]