Why is hot food important?

Hot food is important because it changes the food we eat. It has a historical and current significance. The heat created during cooking is an agent in a chemical process called denaturation that changes the proteins in food, breaking down the molecules and altering their physical and chemical properties. Depending on the cooked proteins, this causes the solubility to decrease […]

Grilling has reached a whole new dimension

Grilling on the barbecue has never been more exciting. Not only do barbecues come in a wide variety of designs and options, but with the advent of popular cooking shows, cookbooks, and magazines, the grill has reached a whole new dimension. Grilling is no longer just about steaks and burgers, the BBQ grill is filled with adventurous and stylish recipes […]

How Different Plant Foods Can Improve Your Immunity

While most people focus on social distancing, face covering, hand washing, and even self-isolation to protect against the deadly coronavirus now ravaging the world, very few pay enough attention to two other critically important factors to the risk of developing a Covid-19 infection and its possible severity. Those factors are immunity, which should be enhanced, and inflammation, which should be […]

Cancer and its treatments

Let’s understand what cancer is and how it develops. Basically, cancer, in simple terms, develops when a group of cells shows rampant growth. Being invasive in nature, they invade and destroy the adjacent tissue or organ. They are classified as carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia, germ cell tumor, and blastoma. It is a common understanding, whether you follow allopathic, Ayurvedic or […]

Chocolate: every child’s first love

Chocolate, a sweet treat, loved mainly by children, is made from cocoa beans or the cocoa tree. The cacao tree is a tropical tree that is grown in many countries. In the raw state, the beans have a bitter taste. Chocolate, the word is said to have originated from the word “xocotati”, it means bitter water. The chocolate that we […]

Superfood Focus: Cocoa

Cocoa. Cocoa. Chocolate. Its scientific name, Theobroma CacaoAs Carolus Linnaeus called it, it means “food of the gods” in Latin. Whatever you want to call one of the world’s favorite foods, it’s undeniably delicious. However, depending on how you consume it, it may or may not be nutritious. Most of the world’s chocolate consumption is made up of highly processed, […]

What is parboiled rice?

Parboiled rice, also called Ukda Chawal in Hindi and converted rice in English, is rice that is partially boiled in the husk. There are three steps involved in the process which are soaking, steaming and drying. This process makes the rice nutritious, changes its texture, and makes it easier to process by hand. The process itself is almost a couple […]