Main health benefits of regular exercise

As a nation we are getting fatter and this trend brings with it a host of health related problems. One way to counteract this worrying trend is to start exercising regularly. You should try to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 4 times a week, this is physical activity that makes you sweat and your heart beat faster, […]

Bruce Lee Bodybuilding Diet and Training

Bruce Lee created a martial art called “Jeet Kune Do” or “Way of the Intercepting Fist.” However, as well known as he is in martial arts…he is highly regarded for his physical abilities and the ripped physique of him. Bruce Lee’s body has become an icon of what an action star should look like today. Let’s face it, the public […]

How many calories does Zumba burn?

Have you tried to lose weight recently? Are you tired and confused by all the different kinds of “CARDIO” style dance? Well, there is still hope for you! Meet Zumba Dance… Zumba Dance is a combination of Latin and international music dance themes that creates a vibrant and successful fitness system! Workouts include interval aerobic/fitness training with a combination of […]

Turbinates: what you should know

Most people know about the septum and sinuses when it comes to breathing, but not many people (including most doctors) know about the turbinates. The turbinates are wing-like along the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, opposite the midline nasal septum. There are three paired structures: the lower, middle, and upper turbines. Its sinus ducts drain below the intermediate turbinates. […]

Neuropharmacognosy: is it nature’s answer for neuropathy?

Neuropathy literally means diseased nerves. There are a number of different reasons why people develop neuropathy. Very commonly, neuropathy is associated with diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, inflammation of the nerves, and toxins that poison the nerves. We have discussed many of the conditions that cause nerve disease in patients in other articles. Patients suffering from the signs and symptoms of neuropathy […]

Exercise at your fingertips – calorie counting app

Technology is continually growing and evolving. Symbol of progress, it offers many benefits and influences almost all aspects of our lives. On the other hand, a greater reliance on technology can have a negative impact on personal interactions and physical activity. Lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary; we have to make a conscious effort to stay active and healthy. Take control […]

Irritable bowel syndrome is making my life hell

Ask: Since I returned from Spain 16 months ago I have suffered from chronic diarrhea sometimes five or six times a day, with terrible gas and bloating. My stomach feels upset all the time. I’ve had every test imaginable, including laparoscopy, colonoscopy, barium meal, CT scan, urinalysis, stool samples, and blood tests, all come back negative. My specialist tells me […]

Before trying TRX training

If the weight room is as familiar to you as a space station, TRX will be your new closest quality preparation companion. TRX makes different muscles of your own body solid. Before you take the plunge, however, Crunch Wellness Director Mitch Rice breaks down the rudiments of this powerful workout instead of hammering out Schwarzenegger-style weights, you’ll be pushing and […]