
Barking Dog – 7 Dog Behavior Tips

Dogs bark for the same reasons humans use to talk: to communicate. It would be unreasonable to expect a dog to never bark. After all, it is in their nature.

The reasons why dogs bark also depend on the breed of the dog. Guard dog breeds, such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, and German Shepherds, will bark when they sense a threat and need to alert you. Working dog breeds and sporting dog breeds, like beagles and bloodhounds, bark because it’s their job. Some dog breeds just enjoy listening to each other talk; this is often the case with toy breeds.

Regardless of the breed, a dog will bark for the following 7 reasons:

1. She is bored: A dog needs a lot of exercise and stimulation. If he is poorly exercised, he will resort to barking out of boredom. Try to walk with her more.

2. She is alone: Dogs are social animals and need to interact with others. After all, in the wild, they are pack animals. If he spends too much time alone, he may bark to get your attention in hopes of interacting. In this situation, any kind of interaction is acceptable, even reprimands.

3. You are hungry or you know it is time to eat: Dogs are creatures of clothing. If it knows food is coming or feels it needs to be fed, it will bark.

4. Something is wrong or someone is near the house: Dogs are much more sensitive to things than humans. If it senses something is wrong, like a big storm or earthquake, or if it hears someone near the house, it will bark to alert the pack. As the herd is you and your family, she will notify you.

5. He is inviting you to play: Dogs are playful animals and when it’s time to play, she’ll let you know.

6. She sees another animal: This is an instinctive reaction. It is simply intended to alert those around her of another animal, be it a potential threat (another dog) or potential food (squirrels or other small animals).

7. She needs to go to the bathroom: If your dog barks at you to go to the bathroom, give yourself a pat on the back because you have trained him well. Take the cue and let her do her thing.

bark for any of these reasons it is natural and it would be unfair to try to prevent him from doing so. After all, she is a dog and that is what they do to communicate. If she uses her voice for unintended reasons, then she must train her.

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