Arts Entertainments

A little light on unicorns

Many years ago a young man told me that as a child he and his sister had seen a unicorn while playing in the forest. Their families were skeptical and their friends laughed, but nothing could shake their conviction of what they had seen or the incredible joy they had felt. He said it had deeply affected his life. I was very happy to hear her story, but I didn’t think about unicorns anymore.

Then about three years ago, I was relaxing in my garden when one appeared, a pure white horse with a spiraling horn of light spouting from its third eye. I was impressed that in answer to humanity’s prayers for help, the unicorns are now returning to Earth to help us.

Who are the unicorns?

Unicorns are seventh-dimensional beings, ascended horses. They are from the angelic realms and are part of the web of light, which serves our planet. In Golden Atlantis they were constantly present and visible to the people. However, since the fall they have been considered mythical creatures, figments of the imagination.

Unicorns are ethereal creatures, magnificent white horses, whose third eye radiates light, in the same way that the wings of an angel are the visible light of its heart.

How can unicorns help you?

They represent purity, aspiration, and idealism and are here to teach you qualities of honor, self-worth, and dignity. Above all, they unleash your innocence, your original divine essence to help you achieve the model of who you really are. Karma fades in your presence.

Unicorns are restoring hope and reawakening our psychic gifts. They can heal by reconnecting people with their spirit.

When a unicorn directs the light from its horn to your third eye, it begins to open you up to enlightenment. Every time you think or speak about a unicorn, it awakens an energy within you that aligns you with higher frequencies. This is why it is so exciting for unicorns to appear as toys, cards, and ornaments. I bought my granddaughter a bike and had to smile when she chose one with a unicorn image on the saddlebag!

Keep a vision for the greater good.

If you have a vision for the greater good, the unicorns will work with you. Because they are of such a high frequency, they help you achieve qualities of beauty, grace, healing, joy, peace, transmutation, and clarity. Then, as your light project progresses, your energy gives you the charisma, determination, focus, and dignity to carry your idea forward. When you work with a pure heart for an ideal beyond your little self, they can make your wishes come true.

Nelson Mandela was touched by the unicorn’s energy while in prison, to help him maintain his vision and dignity. Bob Geldoff was helped by a unicorn to draw attention to the needs of the hungry millions. Jamie Oliver was encouraged by the unicorn energy as it decisively transformed our attitudes toward school dinners. Many of those who are changing and uplifting the world right now are influenced by a wave of unicorn light.

White feathers

Because they are from the angelic realm, unicorns, like angels, leave a small white feather as a business card. When you see one in front of you or one floating gently beside you, think of unicorns.

How to hook up with a unicorn

Unicorns love nature and beauty, where the veils between the worlds are thin. When you walk in the field or sit quietly in your garden, call one in silence. You can feel or feel their presence.

They come to groups where the frequency is high and they touch them with their extraordinary light. Recently, a skeptical businessman friend of mine felt that the energy of the unicorn was calling him to change the direction of his business and make it spiritual. I spoke to him shortly after and he told me that a whole herd of unicorns were working with him.

Before going to sleep at night, ask a unicorn to connect with you. They will take your spirit to the higher dimensions for education, healing, love, and enlightenment.

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