4 Quick Facts About Your HVAC Air Filters

4 Quick Facts About Your HVAC Air Filters

How do you keep your home clean, HVAC system running smoothly, and ensure proper indoor air quality? The answer is simple: Air filters! But did you know there are a few things about HVAC air filters that you might not know? Read to find out four surprising facts about your HVAC air filters.

1- Not All HVAC Air Filters Are Designed To Protect You

It is a common misconception that HVAC air filters clean the air you breathe in your home; however, the truth is that not all of them are created equal. Standard air filters with a low MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating are only designed to protect the system by filtering out large dust and debris particles. Special air filters with a high MERV rating (7 or more) are required to filter other smaller particles like common allergens and improve indoor air quality.

2 – An Overused Filter Can Cost You

It is always advisable to change your HVAC air filters timely, or they can not only significantly increase your electricity bill but also decrease the lifespan of your system. The reason for this is simple, a system with a compromised air filter has to work harder to pull air through congested filters. Talk to a professional HVAC technician to minimize the wear & tear on your system, avoid costly repairs and a shorter lifespan.

3 – Air Filters Should Not Be Cleaned and Reused

Most of the air filters available in the market are disposable and should not be reused. These filters can not withstand the cleaning process and end up getting damaged, allowing particles to pass through into the air you breathe. However, you can purchase special air filters that are intended to be cleaned and reused.

4 – Buying Filter With Highest Rating May Cost You More

Increased protection comes with increased bills. Air filters with the maximum MERV rating (16) are typically made to be used in environments where air filtration is critical such as hospitals. Using them at your home or facility can be expensive as they force the HVAC system to work harder than necessary. This can also take a toll on the lifespan of your system; therefore, you should also refer to the maximum MERV rating allowed listed on your system.

Need more help with your HVAC system? Call us at (877) 776 – 8228 or contact us today!

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