Lifestyle Fashion

What does ‘fear’ have to do with time management?

Let’s say, for example, that we walk down a street. And suddenly a large truck is approaching us with no intention of stopping. Would you stand there and think, well, let’s see, maybe the driver hasn’t seen me yet? Do we calculate the distance between you and the truck so that you can safely get away from danger? Of course not, we don’t do that …

We experience an automatic reaction or alert emotion that causes our body to automatically move to prevent danger, without us having anything to do about it. We do not think in such situations. We simply act to avoid bad things, based on impulse.

How does that relate to time management?

Well, we have 4-5 major obstacles associated with fear. They are preventing us from the success we want, leading to poor time management and, as a result, not getting the job done.

Why would you do such a thing to yourself?

Fear is designed to protect us from dangerous things. It is simply an emotion that keeps us alive. However, many times, it is triggered at very inappropriate times that prevent us from obtaining the results we want for ourselves. Poor time management leads to disaster down the road, having the inability to complete projects and tasks. If we don’t complete any tasks that are important for us to move forward, there is no progress.

Here are the five obstacles associated with fear that keep us from managing our time management:

1) fear of failure (make things perfect forever): we can’t bear the thought of failing, and we do things perfect early on, before launching a task, project, or activity. It takes an enormous amount of time to do something simple. However, because we are afraid of failing, we do countless hours of research, adjustments that are not even necessary in the first place. This is a huge waste of time.

2) Fear of success (seeking approval): This is often an internal conflict that we face. We want to be successful, but somehow, we are afraid of the new way of life or lifestyle. It is not fair that we succeed while others suffer, so we seek approval and validation to be successful. This wastes a lot of time by not finishing your project and putting off important activities.

3) Fear of rejection (don’t start, because others may not like it) – this is related to fear of success. However, we proactively look for reasons why we shouldn’t start yet. It often involves other people we like and trust, and we are faced with the dilemma between losing a couple of friends or having a successful business. Nobody will like us, if we get it.

Example: “If you want enemies, surpass others; if you want friends, let others overcome you.” Charles Caleb Colton

4) Fear of power (I’m not good enough): This is the opposite of empowerment and self confidence. We don’t feel well enough to take the journey and be more successful. We often feel like we need more training or we need more time to handle this. This causes us to procrastinate from a time management point of view, causing us countless hours of learning new things, but actually avoiding taking any action. Learning without action is the cause of all failures.

5) fear of responsibility (too much responsibility, too much work): we like to be lazy and not get our hands dirty too much, take the fast path to success. We want to have systems in place or have someone else do the work for us, without taking responsibility for our own actions and mistakes. We often blame others for our own mistakes, pointing fingers, rather than finding the problems within ourselves. This is only going to waste a lot of time going through countless conflicts and dramas. Time-wasting conflicts between you and your subordinates can completely destroy your business.

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