
Various types of suspension lift kits

A suspension lift can be distinguished based on its size and the purpose for its use. There are also two ways to install a suspension lift kit on your vehicle.

When it comes to sizes, as with almost everything in this world, there are three varieties of suspension lift size: small, medium, and large. Small suspension lift kits usually comprised of 1.5 inches or less. It will give some clearance and room for vehicles with slightly larger tires.

Usually the correct way to get a little suspension lift can be done by using coil spacers at the front and long shackles at the rear. They are relatively inexpensive and very easy to install because they involve less hassle when fitting them into the car.

Small elevators are ideal for those who need to watch their budget and are also the easiest to install. Users of this size also have little to complain about in terms of complications.

As far as mid-suspension lifts go, it’s capable of almost 2 inches of lift. This size is the best choice for vehicle owners who are looking to gain tire clearance but aren’t exactly planning on off-roading. Spacer and add-on risers are commonly used for this size. Sometimes your package may also come with the latest hits.

Most users of mid suspension lifts may notice various changes in the performance and handling of their vehicles upon installation. Some changes would be good and some could be bad. Users must have strong, even new, heavy-duty rear springs. For those planning further modifications to their vehicle, it could be difficult to achieve higher lift, especially if an add-on leaf kit is preferred, as this type is designed to lift stock springs.

Now for oversized suspension lifts, consisting of about 3 to 4 inches of ground clearance, for a much more aggressive vehicle and the guarantee of great off-road adventures? Typically, the big suspension lift setup consists of new additional, rear-mounted leaves, front coilovers, and even new rear springs and additional front coilovers. Also included in this large kit package is a set of matching shocks.

Obviously, this setup is quite expensive and users should expect more hassle with their vehicles than those with smaller lifts. There can also be a dramatic effect on vehicle performance on road trips. For off-road driving enthusiasts, this size is the best, transforming your rigs into intimidating machines to take into the wild and still stand out.

If you’re looking into the different types of suspension lift kits, we can give you an introduction in this article as well. You should be aware of these various types.

They are the following:

– Spring Over Axle (SPOA): very popular with rock crawlers looking for the best articulation, the term for the wheel’s up and down travel

– Shackle Reverse (S/R) – Truck lift kits whose primary purpose of use is to provide smooth rides in temperate terrain such as deserts, forests, and scenic trails.

– Coil suspension: the best combination for the best 4 wheel drive or 4WD vehicles in the world

– Lifted Spring: The most common type of truck lift kit and is used worldwide as the Lifted Spring suspension system is easy to install. It is the best option for novice lifters in the off-road world.

– Shackle: considered the most affordable among all other types. This type is primarily for truck enthusiasts who are interested in replacing their rig with larger tires but have no intention of extreme off-road driving. This type is known to have an effect on the vehicle’s roll control and steering system.

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