Health Fitness

Type 2 diabetes: causes and treatments

As most of us know, diabetes is linked to high blood sugar levels, while type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance. When a person is affected by type 2 diabetes, the person’s body loses the ability to respond to insulin levels. This article focuses on the causes and tips to overcome type 2 diabetes.

What are the causes?

  • inheritances: People with a family history of diabetes are at increased risk.
  • Birth weight: There is a very close relationship between birth weight and diabetes. The lower the birth weight, the higher the risk.
  • Metabolic fluctuations: People with metabolic syndrome and metabolic fluctuations are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
  • obesity: Statistics show that obesity causes most health problems. Since our body’s resistance to insulin increases, obese people are more likely to develop the condition.
  • Gestational diabetes: Some mothers will have gestational diabetes at some point during their pregnancy. There are usually no noticeable signs, but be aware!

Ways to treat and prevent:

Genetics play the biggest role in the development of diabetes and this is something that cannot be controlled. However, there are other things in your environment and personal routines that will definitely help you reduce your risk. Some are listed here:

Exercise: Jogging and fitness play a vital role in maintaining health. Physical exercise three or four times a week will make you feel great! Most people think that exercise is only for those who want to lose weight. Combine those two concepts and you will see the difference immediately!

Give up smoking: 16 to 20 cigarettes per day (like the usual statistics) puts a person at high risk of developing diabetes (among other things). Since smoking decreases the body’s ability to develop insulin resistance, blood sugar levels rise immediately after the next cigarette.

Eat nuts: About an ounce or 28 grams of nuts a day will keep your doctor away! It’s time to say goodbye to your favorite delicious calorie filled chips!

Create awareness: Spread the word about diabetes and let everyone know how serious it really is. Talk to community members, local doctors and host the best awareness event! Marathons, walks, contests… or make a documentary and publish it online. Social media is always there to help you publicize your cause, so you can reach as many people as possible! Don’t forget that trendy gifts like personalized silicone wristbands with a special message will make your event more successful!

If you feel you are at risk, see your doctor. The sooner you do this, the better chance you have of staying safe and healthy. Remember that self-treatment is not always perceived as unproblematic!

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