
Top 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Potty for Your Child

A potty chair is designed to help your child get used to a real toilet seat. Many potties on the market closely resemble a real toilet, making the transition easier and hassle-free.

However, some parents still prefer to use a real toilet. This is entirely up to you. But keep in mind that more potty accidents happen if you use a real toilet right away. Your child may not be physically or psychologically ready to wear one. As a result, potty training progress could come to an abrupt halt.

If you have decided that a potty chair is the best option for your child, what are the different factors you need to consider in order to choose the best one?

Listed below are some of the important factors in selecting the one that best suits your child’s needs.

1. Styling.
Some products are full of bells and whistles, but they don’t live up to your expectations. Your child may not even want a fancy one to begin with. It is important to know your child’s preference before purchasing one. Some kids are easily preoccupied with fancy designs and unfortunately this can slow down their potty training process.

On the other hand, some children prefer a potty with elaborate designs like music, designed like thrones, etc. to motivate them. If you think your child needs more motivation, he chooses a product that incorporates all the features that will encourage him to use the potty.

2. Insert or Independent.
These are the two types of urinals you can choose from. An insert is one that can be placed over a regular toilet seat. A freestanding toilet is similar to a real toilet, but it is usually made of plastic.

It is advisable to use a separate one during the early stages of potty training. Children are generally afraid of toilets, so use a freestanding one to ease your child’s fears. During the last part of the process, you can use an insert so that you are more familiar with how a real toilet works.

NOTE: Fortunately, there are two-in-one potties available. They are sold separately, but can also be converted to an insert-style seat.

3. Durability and ease of use.
Since you’ll only be using it for a few months or even a few weeks, make sure it’s durable enough to last that long. Read reviews and compare prices. Some sites like offer detailed reviews on different brands of potties.

Another thing to consider is whether you can easily assemble or disassemble the product. Is it easy for you to dispose of waste materials? To avoid unnecessary masses, look for a potty chair that has a removable bowl. It saves you time and effort.

4. Size.
The size of the potty depends on the height of your child. Some products are designed for tall children, while others are tailored for younger children. Take the time to research so you can find the perfect fit.

5. Boy or Girl.
Okay, this is pretty obvious, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s so important. When you’re researching the type of potty you want to buy, make sure you know if it’s appropriate for children, that is, if you have a child. For girls, any potty is fine.

However, if you’re potty training your kids, you want to make sure there’s a splash guard or something similar, for very obvious reasons. The good news is that when you read reviews of the different products, most mention whether this convenience exists.

At the end of the day, it’s still important for your child to be a part of this process, so let him pick his favorite potty, even if it’s more expensive than what you originally picked for him. This would eventually help speed up the potty training process if your child feels more independent in making their own decisions.

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