
Tips for having your first kitten

Having your first kitten can be a very exciting time in your life and that of your family. They are cute, so much fun to play and look at, they are cuddly and comforting, but things can also be frustrating and challenging for people who are new to raising kittens.

If you follow these 3 tips, raising your first kitten will be a total joy and you may end up adopting another, or more, later on.

1. Educate yourself. The most important thing you can do for any new pet is learn how to care for it. If you get your first kitten from a shelter, they usually provide you with an “adoption kit”, which contains a food sample and a packet of materials that may include your kitten’s first medical record, along with brochures that cover some of the basics of the kitten. kitten care. If you acquired your kitten in another way, you will have to locate the information yourself. Call your vet for advice and find out if he also has brochures. Of course, there is always the library, the Internet, and many pet supply stores also have learning materials.

2. Kitty-proof your home. Any environment can be dangerous for babies and young children, and kittens are no exception. It is up to us to provide a safe environment, safe food, and a safe atmosphere. A frightened kitten will not be able to relax and play normally and could turn into a shy or neurotic adult cat. The other side of the coin is that you may want to protect your belongings and furniture. Put small items where they cannot be picked up, eaten, scratched, or chewed. Cover furniture if necessary. Store dangerous and toxic items in a “no cat area” such as a basement, cabinet or garage.

3. Family matters. Make sure everyone in the family is willing to care for and respect the kitten. If there are young children in the home, never leave them alone with a kitten; always supervises their playtime. Children do not understand how to be kind to animals, you have to teach them. Many shelters simply refuse to adopt kittens in families with children under the age of 5 or 6 because of this. Kittens are extremely vulnerable because they are small and weak. They deserve to be protected at all times.

Another thing to keep in mind in the family is allergies. It’s heartbreaking having a kitten and then having to give it up once it’s grown because a family member develops an allergy. This can be an emotional event for both the family and the cat. Every now and then, someone becomes so attached to their cat after raising it that they undergo allergy shots so they can keep the pet they love.

One more thing to consider is your finances. Kittens aren’t free, even if you didn’t have to pay an adoption fee. There will be costs associated with veterinary care (be sure to spay or neuter), food, and supplies such as bowls, beds, collars, a carrier, and toys. A common belief is that a cat is a low-maintenance pet. In some ways this is true, but they need a lot of love and attention if you want a loving companion.

You can enjoy your new kitty in the “cat hood” for many years if you follow the above tips for a happy relationship.

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