Legal Law

The Elements of Change for the Millionaire Mind – Dissociation

Life is full of changes. You go from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. You go from having your parents pay for everything for you to having to pay for it yourself. Your whole relationship with money changes. You need to move into the flow of abundance manifestation.

A proud family story

A few months ago, the family gathered at Texas State University to watch my nephew walk across the stage to receive his diploma. We screamed and screamed and screamed for a respectable amount of time. His mother and my brother, the proud father, had tears in their eyes. There were some tears in the eyes of their aunts, uncles and let’s not forget the grandparents.

The glory of those moments is over and now he is preparing to take the exam to enter law school. I have no doubt that we will be attending another graduation in a few years.

After law school, you will need to make a major change in where you place yourself in the flow of abundance.

Few professionally trained people have a millionaire mindset

I could assume that the nephew will earn money hand over fist in a few years. He wants to practice land law and that can be a lucrative field. Whether he becomes a lawyer or not, he will have to go from receiving money from his parents, or from you and me in the form of student loans, to manifesting his own abundance.

Not everyone makes this change. I have heard of lawyers who are barely making it financially. It seems they can’t hold onto their money, or they’re in the right place at the wrong time, or they invested in the highest-earning stock… just before the company went bankrupt.

Most of the people I know are professionals. Very few of them are millionaires. What keeps you from the river of abundance?

T. Harv Eker and the Millionaire Mind

Book by T. Harv Eker The secrets of the millionaire mind it gives you the reasons why people find themselves unable to manifest abundance and tells you how to move into the millionaire mind.

There are four powerful steps in the process.

1. Awareness: You need to become aware of what you are doing and the deep beliefs behind your actions.

2. Understanding: You need to understand the effects that your beliefs have on you.

3. Dissociation: You must dissociate your past beliefs and actions from who you really are.

4. Reconditioning: Finally, you must change the beliefs and habits that sabotaged you into the supporting beliefs and habits of the millionaire mind.


Once you are aware of your beliefs and their effect on you, you need to distance yourself from them.

Very often people believe in their beliefs, their actions are what they are. This is seen in the affirmation: “This is me and I cannot change.”

Death is the only event that prevents you from changing your attitudes and beliefs. Until then, you have every opportunity to make different decisions in your life.

You have to realize that your beliefs and actions are learned. They can determine what you do, but they don’t determine who you are.

When you find yourself thinking or believing in a way that you know is not supported by the millionaire mind, it is crucial that you immediately catch yourself and remind yourself of what you currently believe and your current course of action.

You have gifts and talents that you can use to move towards the manifestation of abundance. These same gifts and talents will help you change your beliefs and life patterns trapped in a quagmire of debt and frustration to live a life abundant and free.

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