Arts Entertainments

Texas Senate Approves Rebates for Buyers of Hybrid Cars

Have you found yourself repeatedly saying things like, “I really like the look of that new Prius model, particularly in blue. If only the government gave me an incentive, I’d buy one tomorrow” or “I’ve been meaning to replace my refrigerator with one of those energy saving alternatives. If I could get some kind of tax break, the extra cost of buying brand new ice cube trays would be worth it!”? If so, you might be in luck.

Our Texas Senate just passed a bill that would provide a $4,000 rebate to consumers who decide to purchase a plug-in hybrid vehicle. This same incentive is offered for major appliances, as long as you agree to take the current one out of service. This comprehensive clean air bill also includes more stringent requirements when new plants are built in densely populated areas. Environmental regulators could make a decision that a company must first close an old plant in the same area or find a way to offset the new pollution that is being created. If this bill passes, you will likely find that companies looking to open plants in areas that are experiencing a pollution problem, such as Houston, will have a more difficult time obtaining the necessary permits to build.

Proponents of the legislation point to the fact that cleaner air is already evident in large cities due to previous actions taken by the state legislature, and these additional measures will help continue this improvement.

Changes to clean air legislation in Texas will undoubtedly impact many businesses in our state. If you are a business owner and have questions about what decisions made in Austin will mean for you, we have Texas business law attorneys ready to help. Contact one of our business law attorneys at Bertolino LLP’s Austin, Houston, or San Antonio offices today.

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