Arts Entertainments

Should you resend an email to those who didn’t open your first message?

You put a lot of effort and energy into your email marketing campaigns. You spend time sharing something you think is valuable to your audience, and it’s frustrating when half of your subscribers don’t open the first message.

What can you do to get them to open your emails?

Remember, don’t expect everyone on your list, even the most active subscribers, to read every message you send. This brings up a big question:

Should you forward an email to those who didn’t open your first message?

The answer is yes, you should. Having said that, make sure you forward effectively to avoid bombarding people with the same message. Send the message again to non-openers with a carefully crafted campaign and leverage your quality email list to increase open rate in the second round.

Why should you forward

Resending email campaigns give you a second chance to engage your subscribers by:

  • Give those who do not open the opportunity to participate

  • Test new ways to send emails with different text or images and see which version works best

Yes, breathing new life into an email campaign can improve your open and click rates, but have a bigger goal behind your second attempt. A better open rate and more clicks are good, but an email campaign should be about strong engagements that result in conversions; not just open rates. So it’s essential to think about the long-term value you want to offer your customers and the connection you want to create over time, and not just the open or single click value you want for yourself.

The value should be to forward emails that provide:

  • Free content download for being a frequent customer

  • Product suggestions with special discount codes so they get more value

  • A note that appreciates them as customers

How to take advantage of forwarding to non-openers

1. Get your timing right

Even though these subscribers didn’t open your first email, they may recognize you in their inbox by your “from name.” Therefore, sending too quickly after the first send could make you look like a spammer and lead to complaints or unsubscribes. So please wait 4-5 days before you hit resend. This ensures that you forward the email to someone who is more likely to open it.

2. Choose your campaign wisely

Forwarding to unopeners is an effective tool, but don’t forward every campaign you feel like. Be selective about the emails you choose to forward. Think of a forward as keeping track of time-sensitive messages.

For example, if you have a one-week promotion, send an email on the first day of the promotion, and then send a slightly modified version of the same email on the last day of the promotion to those who didn’t open your first message. .

3. Modify the subject line

If the subject line didn’t grab their attention the first time, why use it again? By forwarding messages that don’t open, you get a second chance to think of a snappier subject line that will draw them in and stand out. Look at your previous emails. Was there a subject line that got massive positive responses from your audience? Use similar subject lines when forwarding your campaign.

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