
Quickly train your dog at home

Potty training is the most important thing you will do when you bring home a new puppy. Here is a step by step guide on how to achieve this quickly and effectively.

After a puppy eats, drinks, plays, sleeps, or chews, he soon needs to go potty.

o Up to 6 months of age, more than 12 times a day.
o From 6 to 12 months of age, more than 7 times a day.

Take your dog out to relieve himself as many times a day as you can. The more you get out, the more ingrained it will become that the outdoors is the right place to do your business.

Always wear a leash when taking your dog to the bathroom. If you are using a crate, which I highly suggest, take your pup out of the crate, pick him up, clip on his leash, and take him outside. Place him on the grass in his designated area and keep repeating “go potty” over and over again.

There should be no excess of talking or playing. This is not time to play or walk. This is bath time. Just stand in one spot and let your pup have as much of his 6 foot leash as he wants. But that’s all. Keep repeating his name and “go to the bathroom.”

When the mission is complete, reward your dog with a treat (ALWAYS HAVE TREATS ON HAND) and a “good boy” or “good girl.” Immediately bring the dog back into the house.

If he hasn’t eliminated in about five minutes, return him to his cage and try again in about 15 minutes. If he went to the bathroom (both types), go back inside and keep your pup with you as you get ready for your day. Keep him on his leash inside at all times. It helps to keep your dog on a leash around the house when potty training him. They’re easier to find when they’re hiding behind a chair or sofa, but you should NEVER supervise your puppy while he’s potty training.

In the initial stages of breaking and entering, always pick him up and take him outside. Don’t let him walk, because he could bend over and have an accident on the road.

Regulate feeding times and the amount of food. I recommend feeding puppies under 1 year of age twice a day. Read the serving amount on the bag. Divide the daily portion in half and feed once in the morning and once in the evening before 7 p.m.

Leave your dog’s food on the ground for no more than 10 minutes. If your dog doesn’t finish his food, pick up the bowl and don’t feed him again until the next scheduled time. Leaving food and water out all day is setting your dog up for failure. Allowing constant access to food makes it more difficult to predict when your dog will need to relieve himself.

Watch your dog for signs that he needs to go outside. Tracking, sniffing, and circling are all signs that an outdoor trip might be in order. Learn to recognize the signs and take your dog out BEFORE he has an accident in the house.

Feed your dog a high-quality dog ​​food. The cheaper brands are full of fillers and chemicals that are hard to digest, which can lead to loose stools and a lack of ability to hold it down until you’re out. Even the well-known national brands contain ingredients that dogs cannot digest, such as corn, chicken by-products (heads, leg feathers, beaks), wheat, sorghum, and other things I don’t feed my dogs.

Do not feed your dog “people food” as a constant diet. You can use it as an occasional training gift. A dog’s digestive system works very differently from ours, and the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes your dog needs will not be supplied.

Don’t change dog food all at once. If you change foods, do so gradually, mixing 75% old with 25% new for a week, 50% of each for a week, then 75% new with 25% old for a week, and finally 100% new.

Note and keep track of when your dog eliminates (i.e., after meals, playtime, or upon awakening from a nap), so you can develop the pattern and timeline your dog follows. puppy. All dogs differ somewhat in their potty habits.

I recommend the use of a crate when potty training. When your pup is going to be left alone all day, a small fenced-in area is recommended. Use the box day and night, and especially when everyone is asleep.

Box training should be done in short increments and gradually increased. Do not force your dog into the crate or he will see it as a punishment. Never use a box as punishment. Dogs love their cages and they become their own “den”. They feel safe and protected there. Your dog should view the crate as a good place to be.

To get your pup used to his crate, remove the wire door. Use a treat to lure him into the box. When he voluntarily enters the box, give him the treat and say “good boy.” Then allow him to get out of the box on his own time.

Repeat this process several times. Then put the door back on the crate and lure your pup back into the crate. Give him the treat, praise him, then close the door and wait five seconds. Open the door and invite your dog out. This is very important. Your dog should wait until you ask him out. A light touch to his chest and the word “wait” should do the trick. Repeat this process. Start with very short time increments and gradually increase the amount of time in the box.

Again, never force your dog into the crate, or he will see it as punishment. We want you to have positive experiences going in and out of the cage. Put a toy and an old t-shirt or towel with your smell on it in the box. This will also convey to your pup that the crate is a good place to be. You will find that before long your dog will go to his crate willingly when you are not even paying attention to him. Never leave the dog in the crate for excessive periods of time:

or no more than 2-3 hours if the puppy is less than four months old
o 4-5 hours from 4-6 months of age
o 6-7 hours if the puppy is 6-9 months old

These estimates vary based on the breed, size of the dog, and achievements thus far.

If you work all day and will be leaving your puppy alone for several hours before he is potty trained, crating him may not be an option, as that’s far too many hours to be confined to a crate. Instead, consider a small area like a bathroom, laundry room, or block off a small part of any room you choose to limit your pup’s space.

I recommend an adjustable pen that is sold at most pet stores. The heavy-duty plastic type works best. Each section is about two feet wide and there are usually 8 sections. This allows you to increase the size of the pen as your dog grows. Adjust the size of the pen so that there is room for your blanket or bedding at one end and a potty at the other, with very little space in between.

The goal is to make sure your dog hits the pad when he eliminates. If you are successful, gradually increase the size of the pen. Eventually, you can give your dog more freedom by allowing him a larger and larger area, making sure to leave the potty accessible. Try to place the pad in front of the door you use most often to get your dog out. Give your dog a chew toy to occupy his time when he is confined to his pen.

Constant supervision is essential when the puppy is not in its pen or crate. Always keep your puppy on a leash inside the house so he doesn’t wander off and go to the bathroom unnoticed. This also helps get the pup used to wearing the leash so it doesn’t fear or fear you.

If your pup starts to squat, pick him up quickly and say “no,” take him outside immediately, place him on the grass with the leash on, and say “go potty.” Give him time to refocus and squat down again. Say “potty” and “nice boy” or “nice girl.”

When the puppy is done, give him a treat and praise him. She takes the pup straight into the house. Allow 30 to 45 minutes of supervised free time outside of the cage or pen. Then return the pup to his crate or pen for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours and repeat the process. If you need to leave the house, always return the puppy to the crate or pen.

If your puppy finishes peeing or pooping in the house and you don’t catch him in the act, don’t bother disciplining him. It’s too late at this point. After a few seconds, he won’t know why you are scolding him. There should be no yelling, nose rubbing and no hitting. You will confuse him and make things worse. Just wipe it off and move on.

Be sure to clean with the correct products to remove any odors your dog may be tempted to return to. Several are sold in pet stores. Be sure not to clean with anything that contains ammonia, as the smell of ammonia will attract the pup back to that spot for a repeat performance.

Teething can cause your pup to make mistakes around the house. Discomfort in the mouth can trigger irregular urination. Be patient during this time, it will pass.

Before you go to bed at night, take some time to play with your pup to burn off some energy. Take him out one last time to go potty, then put him in the crate or pen for the night. You may want to keep the crate in the bedroom with you so the pup can see and hear you and feel like he is still part of the pack. First thing in the morning, take him out of the crate or pen, pick up the pup and take him outside. The first few weeks, the puppy may wake you up very early (4 or 5 in the morning). As they get older they will sleep more and be able to sustain themselves for longer periods of time.

Above all, be patient and consistent!

Good luck!

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