Arts Entertainments

Only time can tell

How much control do you really have over life-changing events? The answer can range from none to many. Will you make a decision or will you leave it to chance? How you respond to events where you are not part of creation will be the most important determining factor in the outcome. In the end, this is the only thing you can control.

There is a big difference in reacting and responding to any situation in our lives. Reacting does not require serious consideration. An instinctive emotional response usually comes as a reaction.

Responding to any situation requires careful consideration before determining how we really feel, what we think is the best way to reach our own personal goals, and how we will present those thoughts. This may seem like a time-consuming action that you cannot perform when a response is required. You can actually take a few seconds to pause, put your emotions aside, and do a quick appraisal of what was lost or won. Your response will flow naturally once you take the time for that short pause.

How is your day going to flow? You can leave it to chance; wait and see how time tells the story by how the final notation is recorded. Or you can consider the options and plan your reaction. Then you will define where the path goes, your path.

Who will be in your life? Leaving it to chance requires no choice. Allow your heart to sigh and say: “It must be left to chance, because who can control what your heart chooses, or if a love can grow?” Do you let time determine if your new love is a lie, why did your heart cry? He does so if a reaction, or a fluke, is the choice he made.

Or, you can carefully consider where this new path will go and then decide whether you want to allow your love to flow. Is it a nice change or will sleepless nights keep all the energy in your heart busy, wondering? If you’ve made an insightful decision, before your heart commits, your love may grow as your heart commits. It really depends on you; Do you make a choice or do you say ‘Only time can tell?’

You can choose not to allow your days to sleep because they steal your nights, wondering where the path will turn, what your heart can choose, or where the path is going. Do you react or respond to those surprises and twists along the way? For every major turn along the way, you choose to react or respond. Do you live looking through the narrow view of the rear view mirror regretting what has happened, or do you turn your attention to the windshield where you have a wide and expansive view in front of you?

Who knows? Once

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