Lifestyle Fashion

Natural Cures for Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation Acne Scars

Traditionally, acne scars from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation have been treated by professionals using harsh, abrasive methods such as microdermabrasion and chemicals. However, today I am going to show you that there are gentler and more natural ways to quickly remove acne scars and leave you with clear and fresh skin.

When allowed to fade on their own, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation acne scars can take anywhere from 3 to 24 months to fade. The darker the stain is compared to your natural skin tone, the longer it will take to fade. That can seem like an eternity to anyone suffering from low self-esteem caused by acne and the scars it left behind.

But follow these tips and your hyperpigmentation scars will fade much faster.

1. Use sunscreen.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation acne scars are actually not scars at all, but rather a buildup of melanin under the skin where the inflammation used to be. Melanin is what gives our skin pigment. When you tan, that’s created by melanin. So it just goes to show that if you want to fade your skin color caused by previous acne inflammation, you’ll want to reduce the amount of melanin in your skin, not increase it. Sunscreen can prevent the dark spots you already have from getting darker from sun exposure. A moisturizing lotion containing sunscreen is sufficient protection during the winter months.

2. Put lemon juice on the stains.

The acids in lemon juice are nature’s bleach. When you apply fresh lemon juice on the dark spots on your face, you are effectively whitening your skin. It is very safe to do and will not harm you in any way. You can use a cotton swab or ball and apply the juice as you would a toner. You can leave the lemon juice overnight and wash it off in the morning.

3. Use honey as a facial mask.

The healing properties of honey have been known to man for thousands of years, but with the advent of penicillin and other pharmaceuticals, it has not received the attention it deserves. If you apply a thin layer of honey to your acne scars and let it sit for anywhere from 20 minutes to overnight, you will see amazing results. Your skin will be silky smooth and the antibacterial properties of honey will help heal the wound.

Acne scars from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are often the last obstacle standing between you and clear skin. You have fought the battle against acne and you have won it. Unfortunately, now you have to clean up the mess they left behind. If you follow the above natural scar removal treatments, you will overcome that hurdle in no time. You’ve finally won the race against bad skin.

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