Health Fitness

Man Boobs – The Truth About Man Boobs

Enlarged man boobs are known by many names, including man boobs, man boobs, and moobs. But while people often take this embarrassing condition lightly, the psychological effects of gynecomastia (the medical term for man boobs) can be devastating. This article will discuss the different non-surgical gynecomastia treatments available and what you can do to reduce the size of your man boobs.

Men with gynecomastia often have very low self-esteem and can develop a deep sense of shame for their bodies. Many will avoid removing their shirts in public, dressing in baggy clothing, or slouching in an effort to hide their man boobs. Most men with this condition believe that the only way to cure gynecomastia is with expensive and potentially dangerous surgery. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that in 9 out of 10 cases you can get rid of your man boobs through diet and exercise. The reason for this is that there are actually two different types of gynecomastia. The most common form is known as pseudogynecomastia and is caused by excess chest fat rather than excess breast tissue.

This form of gynecomastia is usually triggered by a poor diet and lack of exercise. This leads to a hormonal imbalance between the ratio of testosterone and estrogen in your body. Estrogen buildup is believed to be the main cause of excess chest fat and feminine-looking breasts in men. By increasing the amount of the male growth hormone testosterone in your body, you will decrease the effects of estrogen and therefore reduce the symptoms of gynecomastia.

One of the best ways to increase the amount of testosterone in your body is through weight lifting. Compound exercises that work a large amount of the body’s musculature have been shown to increase testosterone much more than isolation exercises, which only work one or two muscle groups. Compare, for example, a deadlift or squat with a biceps curl. The deadlift and squat work several different muscle groups, including the back, stomach, chest, and legs. Whereas a bicep curl only works the arms and will burn far fewer calories and produce far less testosterone.

Your diet also has a big effect on the amount of testosterone your body produces. Eating peanut butter and avocados may not seem like the way to reduce man boobs, but foods high in natural saturated fats have been shown to increase the amount of testosterone. You should try to eat a combination of lean meats, such as free-range chicken or steak for protein, green vegetables for fiber, and drink 6-8 glasses of water per day to help flush out your system. Reducing the amount of processed fats and sugar you eat will also help restore the balance of hormones in your body and get rid of your man boobs.

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