
Magic the Gathering – How to Get Card Advantage

In Magic the Gathering, there are quite a few ways to gain card advantage. However, card advantages don’t always mean simply drawing more cards than your opponent. In this article, we’ll show you the different types of card advantage to add to your deck strategy and how to get them.

Single Card Advantage (CA):

The crudest form of CA. To achieve this buff, you need spells that can help you draw more cards from your library or make your opponent lose cards. Tidings and Ancestral Recall is a great help for drawing cards.

To make your opponent lose a card, you can either discard their hand or destroy their permanents. However, if you’re using 1 card to destroy 1 card, it’s not as effective. It has to be 1 for 2 cards or more. Or that spell can destroy 1 permanent and also allow you to draw 1 card. In this case, you are leading in card number and therefore have an advantage.

Card Pick Advantage

Cards allow you to search for the card you want to make your deck more consistent. Cards like these are extremely useful for combos and control decks. Searching for the missing combo cards that can help you win the game at that moment or find the answer to destroy your threat is always welcome.

Demonic Guardian, Devilish Guardian, and Survival of the Fittest help you get this perk.

virtual AC

The hardest to notice but also one of the most powerful CA in the game.

Powerful spells or creatures that have effects that limit your opponent’s options. Creatures like Serra Angel and Lightning Angel can not only fly and attack, but also block smaller creatures to save some hit points.

Spells like the moat will make it so that only flying creatures can attack you. If your opponent doesn’t have flying creatures, he can never touch you.

In the example above, you and your opponent do not lose any cards. But due to the effects, your opponent has restricted options or unfavorable combat situations.

These 3 types of CA, simple, selective and virtual, are the most used strategy to win your opponent. As the game progresses and evolves, more and more game mechanics and powerful new cards appear. Understanding the different types of card advantage is becoming increasingly important.

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