
Influencing the Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini, PhD

“Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” was written because the author believed that there is a psychology of compliance. In the introduction Robert Cialdinistates; “I can freely admit it now. All my life I’ve been a scapegoat. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an easy target for the speeches of street vendors, fundraisers, and operators of one sort or another.” Masterfully researched and written over 35 years, the book explains the psychology of why people say “yes” and how to apply this understanding to everyday life. As consumers, we like to think that we can’t be easily fooled by a seller. However, the book demonstrates that we are being “sucked in” every day to buy things we don’t want or need.

Compliance tactics used in the field of sales, fundraising, and advertising revealed the six universal principles of ethical persuasion. The book explains the psychological triggers that influence people to comply with requests and covers how these triggers are used. Use them to become a skillful persuader or defend yourself against them. Hopefully, the principles will move the reader toward personal change and act as a driving force for success.

simple truths

Expensive implies quality turquoise jewelry, in full tourist season [marked half price] was not selling. The store clerk then mistakenly marked the jewelry by doubling the price. Within a week, the jewelry was completely sold out. If it’s expensive, it has to be good.

contrast power

If you go to a men’s store, salespeople always try to sell you an expensive suit before selling you the expensive sweater, shirt, or tie. The power of contrast makes other items appear more affordable.

power of reason

People are more likely to accept a request if a reason is given.

The following emotional methods are used to persuade/sell products and services to consumers. The six psychological influences that direct human behavior include

1. Reciprocity

2. Commitment and Constancy

3. Social proof

4. I like

5. Authority

6. Scarcity

1. Reciprocity. If the person selling raffle tickets invites you to coffee, you are more likely to buy raffle tickets from them. The laws of reciprocity prove that the person, after being offered something, will feel compelled to buy something even if he is not interested in it.

2. Commitment. Commit to achieving something, once the commitment is made, there is a strong desire to be consistent with it. People like and believe in commitment, your image and reputation is at stake. From a young age we are taught to always keep our promises. Our entrenched responses will have negative connotations if we fail to meet these commitments.

3. Social proof. Simply put, the idea that if others do it, it’s good. People follow the crowd because they believe in its wisdom. Assign responsibility. If you want things done, tell someone to do them, otherwise everyone will assume they are being done.

4. I like it. Attractiveness, similarity, praise, contact, and cooperation can make a person more influential. Most of us say yes to requests from those we like. Tupperware’s marketing might as well be called viral marketing. People were more likely to buy the product if they liked the person selling it to them.

5. Authority. When faced with a decision, people take the lead from those in authority. Authority can be real or imagined; people tend to buy from people who have professional degrees. Other authority figures include celebrity product endorsements or con artists who use expensive cars and tailored suits to sell all kinds of products.

6. Scarcity. A psychological reaction is attached to this concept; people don’t want to lose. A college student bought second-hand cars, polished them up and put them up for sale at a price clearly higher than what he had paid. Her secret weapon from him? He asked everyone who responded to his announcement to arrive at the same time. The first one who arrived was shown the car and while he looked another potential buyer arrived. Then another. The first guy would be told that a line is forming and given a few more minutes to make up his mind. You could imagine the anxiety that built up in the minds of potential buyers. If the first did not buy, the second almost always did.

Fortunately, Cialdini concludes each chapter with hints on “How to Say No.” No matter how savvy consumers are, they have no doubt fallen for many of these techniques used deliberately or accidentally. How many poor business investment decisions, product purchases, or strategic moves have been influenced by non-rational factors? Thank goodness mindless, automatic decisions are now a thing of the past!

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