Health Fitness

How to stay calm while running

The world can be a very hectic and stressful place at times these days and with 100 things to do every day, we can’t help but sometimes frantically rush to do something or find something we’ve lost. I’m sure we’ve all been in the situation before where we run around like headless chickens, trying to deal with the last-minute details that keep popping into our heads. “Did I remember to turn off the stove?”, “Oh, I have to hurry, I need to pick up my son from school”, “No, I don’t remember where I put the car keys!” These are the moments that leave us stressed and out of breath as we frantically try to get things done on time, yet the irony is that because we get so stressed in the process, we end up taking twice as long to get things done. like we normally would!

Believe it or not, there is a more efficient way to “rush”. The secret here is in the breath. What we usually do when we are in a rush is forget to breathe and then we end up panting. Our thought process aligns with the breathing pattern, creating a jerky series of movements and thoughts that are all over the place, causing you to spend twice the normal amount of time on whatever action you’re trying to perform. I’m sure anyone reading this agrees because we’ve all experienced that before and the connection to the way we breathe is obvious.

It makes sense, then, that if we slow down our breathing while running, we’ll be able to get things done much faster and also get rid of that feeling of panic and awkwardness that takes over us. So now you know what to do, however you need to practice and perfect this technique so that it becomes automatic or natural for you. The best way to practice this technique is to do it while walking. Start walking slowly and then steadily increase to a brisk pace, and as your speed increases your breathing rate should decrease. Keep your shoulders relaxed and maintain a calm and peaceful look and feel that is just the opposite of what most people do naturally. What happens next is that although you are moving very fast toward other people, inside you are actually moving slowly and calmly because your perception has expanded and time is moving slower.

Once mastered, this technique is amazingly effective. You will never again experience that awful feeling of panic and anxiety that comes when you are in a hurry, instead your body will move fluidly and smoothly in sync with your mind and anything you need to do will be done in much less time.

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