Health Fitness

How to get rid of upper body fat fast

An average American male retains excess calories in the form of body fat, and sometimes accumulates around the upper body. So what is the best way to get rid of upper body fat in the shortest possible time?

Unfortunately, the problem is that fat loss requires exercise, and many Americans consider watching the NBA and NFL on TV to be exercise. This lack of physical activity and control is bad news, since most fat cells are deposited in the stomach and upper body.

Diet and a weight loss program are the best ways to get rid of upper body fat.

If you want a rock-hard physique, you’ll need to combine a well-balanced diet (vitamins, carbohydrates, and protein) with good resistance training. It’s not hard to do, but you have to be consistent.

Check with your doctor first before beginning any program, as in your attempt to try to lose upper or lower body fat, you are susceptible to aggravating old injuries.

Next, identify which muscle groups you want to develop. You may want to have a huge chest, but with skinny legs, you would look very weird.

Finally, join a gym with good equipment and in a place where you feel comfortable. Prepare yourself with a good fitness program and practice it in the gym consistently.

Your RMR or how fast your resting metabolism works is extremely important as you need to exceed your resting level to effectively burn body fat. Lifting weights is the best way to accomplish this, as it encourages muscle buildup.

Muscle burns fat even at rest, so the more muscle you have, the faster you can shed upper body and stomach fat.

You’ll also need to work on progression, which is the slight increase in workload as your muscles get used to the strain you’re putting on them. Anything that you can lift for a little more than 12 repetitions is the best weight to use. Increase as needed every one to two weeks.

A high protein diet with adequate amounts of carbohydrates would be the best diet for someone who does resistance training. Vegetables and fruits should not be neglected as they are also key to the functions of the body.

Diet and a proper fitness regiment will give you the best chance to get rid of upper body fat, stomach fat and increase your quality of life. Guaranteed.

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