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How long will it take to cure acid reflux?

It is important to treat acid reflux before it causes serious complications. However, the type of treatment and how long it will take to cure acid reflux varies from person to person. Which means you need to find the right treatment option that works for you.

Everyone responds differently to treatment depending on the severity of their GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) condition and how their body reacts to treatment. So what works for one individual may not work for another. Similarly, how long it will take to cure acid reflux depends on how well the person responds to treatment and the severity of the GERD. Therefore, for many people who suffer from acid reflux, discovering the treatment that best suits their specific needs is often a process of elimination and can result in a combination of treatments.

There are many different types of treatment options. The following is a breakdown of the most common methods:

Changes in lifestyle – This is the most recommended treatment when it comes to curing acid reflux because it is simply a matter of changing habits to prevent acid reflux such as avoiding foods that trigger acid reflux, improving eating habits, maintaining a healthy weight through exercise regulate, reduce stress. Avoid eating before going to bed, etc.

traditional medicine – There are three main types of medications used to treat and prevent acid reflux and they include:

1. Antacids (IE Tums, Gaviscon, etc.) – These work by neutralizing stomach acid and may be beneficial for those who suffer from occasional heartburn.

2. H2 Receptor Antagonists (IE Zantac, Pepcid, etc.) – neutralize acid by preventing stomach cells from producing acid and are stronger than an antacid. It tends to benefit GERD patients who do not experience additional complications such as ulcers and Barrett’s esophagus.

3. Proton Pump Inhibitors (IE Prilosec, Nexium, etc.) – Highly effective in stopping acid production and also help heal an inflamed esophagus. They are ideal for GERD patients who have complications.

It is difficult to determine how long it will take to cure acid reflux when it comes to traditional medicine, because many of these medications are not intended for long-term treatment.

alternative medicine – There are several alternative medicines, but three commonly used to treat GERD are:

1. Traditional Chinese Medicine. This mainly includes the ancient practices of acupressure and acupuncture. Both techniques involve the manipulation of specific acupuncture points on the body as prescribed by ancient Chinese medicine. By applying pressure or inserting needles into specific acupuncture points that are connected to the symptoms one is experiencing, it is believed that the meridian system that exists within the body known as Yin, Yang, and Qi can align and allow the body to heal itself. itself. The techniques are largely the same, except that acupuncture uses fine needles, while fingers, knuckles, and elbows are used to apply pressure to acupressure points.

2. Homeopathy. This alternative therapy works to treat an individual based on their mental, physical and personal characteristics. A GERD victim will be treated based on her specific symptoms, not her condition. Therefore, the same course of treatment will not be prescribed to two GERD patients. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances from plants, animals, and minerals.

3. Herbal remedies. This is an alternative treatment that uses various plants and plant parts for medicinal purposes. Popular herbal remedies for GERD include but are not limited to:

– Chamomile


– Ginger root

– Licorice

– Turmeric

The herbs are commonly ingested in the form of a tea, but may be sold fresh, dried, or in powder, tablet, and pill forms. They can usually be found in health food stores or sold at a herbalist.

When looking for alternative treatment, it is imperative that you find a professional who is qualified and experienced for the specific treatment you are seeking. Also, if you are wondering how long it will take to cure acid reflux with an alternative remedy, it depends on the specific symptoms you are experiencing.

Remember, you must be patient when curing acid reflux, as it takes time, often months, before there is any real improvement. Also, healing has to do with preventing the recurrence of acid reflux. There is no treatment that will cure GERD indefinitely; Acid reflux can continue to occur if you don’t keep up with your prevention methods.

Finally, regardless of the treatment method you use, you should first consult your doctor for professional advice on how long it will take to cure acid reflux, and also so that he or she can monitor your progress or provide you with new treatment ideas if you are having trouble finding a treatment. treatment that works.

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