
Golden Retriever Puppy – How do I find the right breeder?

Dear golden friend,

Knowing what you want is the most important thing. Knowing how to get it is just as important, right?

When it comes to having a Golden Retriever puppy knowing where getting it is of paramount importance!

There are many people selling Golden Retriever puppies all over the world. With Facebook and eBay flourishing, you find deals from everywhere and many people order their puppy almost online. I have heard the most terrible stories of unhappiness from people all over the world because they trusted an unreliable source and had to pay a high price for doing so.

Don’t fall into that trap!

Getting a Golden Retriever puppy can be a joyous experience when you have found a good, trustworthy breeder who does their best to raise wholesome, healthy litters and takes the time to educate you as the parent of a new puppy.

A good breeder takes pride in what they are doing. He puts a lot of thought into each and every litter, making sure to breed only from healthy animals. He doesn’t sell his puppies easily because he chooses new owners wisely, asking them all sorts of questions. After all, he loves his pups and feels responsible for his well-being.

The most ideal setup would be to find a local breeder so that you can visit your pup a few times before bringing him home. This is how a loving bond is created from an early age. Since your baby has seen you several times, she will feel more comfortable when you finally come to pick her up.

But this is not an ideal word and many of us have to compromise. Second best would be a breeder not too far away for you to visit the puppies twice.

I wouldn’t advise getting a puppy without meeting the breeder at least once before and taking a closer look at their facilities. Any good breeder will ask you to come and meet him and his dogs before deciding to let you have one in the first place. Therefore, he will appreciate your request to come visit him and his Golden.

Ask to see health certificates for your dog and the father of the puppies, as well as hip scores and sight certificates for both parents.

If you live in a country with kennel club regulations, make sure the breeder you’ve chosen follows those rules.

listen to your heart and confidence your feelings. A spotless spot doesn’t necessarily mean the kennel is good, it just means she’s been cleaned before you came. You never know what it looks like when you’re not there.

Take a close look at the mother. It would be normal for her milk bar to be a bit loose, but she shouldn’t have any infection or wounds there.

Some years ago, a man who wanted to buy a Golden went to visit a so-called breeder and found that all was well. When I asked him if he had seen the mother, he said yes. I asked him about the breastmilk bar and he told me his nipples looked good. I asked him if the milk bar was a bit lower than on a single bitch and he told me everything was nice and tight. Well, my friend, a nursing mother who feeds the pups of her. does it have big boobs! Then she realized that she hadn’t been shown her mother at all, which meant the “breeder” was a puppy dealer.

Needless to say, the young man went elsewhere to look for his pup.

I hope you find it useful and that you enjoyed this article!

With golden thoughts from Germany

Martina Annelia

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