Lifestyle Fashion

Glassophobia-When fear is a disability!

Fear is a natural human response and has therefore been experienced by each of us at some point in our lives. It could be a simple fear of saying something mean in public, fear of lizards, or fear of the unknown.

Fear basically arises from distrust of people or situations. And the mistrust here is not simply a lack of faith, but a sense of uneasiness stemming from a feeling that something might go wrong at an unknown time. This sometime causes one to preemptively reach out, meaning one changes their behavior too drastically and suddenly. When the reaction is one of disproportionate alarm, it could be said that the person suffers from some type of phobia.

Another form of fear is called terror, which is nothing more than an extreme type of fear. When one is struck by this type of extreme fear, the chemical response in the brain prevents the person from making a rational decision and therefore reacts without thinking in panic. One person’s response may be much greater than the situation demands. In other words, the person could overreact with panic.

Fear resides in all of us to varying degrees, but it becomes a problem when this fear takes control of our lives and prevents us from doing something we want to do or forces us to do something we don’t want to do. That is when fear becomes an inability. For example, one is too afraid of public speaking, which means that if he or she suffers from glassophobia, one might want to convey his point of view to everyone, but his fear, over which he has no control, would stop him from doing it. doing it. In this case it is a paralyzing disability. (Glassophobia is the fear of public speaking)

Since phobia is a product of the mind, the only way to combat it is to make the mind stronger and immune to fearful thoughts. Identifying one’s fear is the first step and then gradually facing it is how one could overcome the fear permanently. So if you’re afraid of public speaking, start talking informally with a group of two, then a group of three. And then increase it to ten and more. You wouldn’t even know when you got rid of your fear.

Fear isn’t really that bad because it’s our natural biological response to life-threatening situations. If it weren’t there, we would be much more inclined to endanger ourselves and others. But the excess of everything is bad; therefore, when fear is excessive, it becomes a disability.

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