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Female Self Defense – 10 Helpful Tips

Violence occurs against men and women. So why is so much attention devoted to women’s self-defense? The answer is simple. Approximately 80-90% of all assaults by strangers are committed against women. Also, while not all victims of domestic violence are against women, about 98% of them are.

It’s frightening to think that those numbers belong to the US Even more disconcerting is that in many other countries women are not treated even as well.

So where do they attack women? Literally everywhere. City streets, college campuses, parking lots, in the workplace and at home. Women have become victims in their cars and in their hotel rooms. It seems that there is no absolutely safe place for women to be.

So what’s a woman to do? She Adopt a self-defense attitude and empower yourself to fight back!

The best way to protect yourself against potential threats is to practice certain self-defense rules.

1. The first advice, the most important, is to always be aware of your surroundings. Put down the cell phone while you’re away from home. No text, email, or tweet is worth risking your security.

2. Use common sense. Avoid places and situations where crimes may occur. In other words, never walk alone down a dark alley at night. Leave that to the actresses in action movies.

3. Learn various self defense techniques. If you can’t make it to a class, then learn from a self defense training DVD. You can do it from the comfort of your home on your own schedule.

4. Pick a few moves that you feel comfortable with. Practice them until they become second nature. In a crisis situation you will return to your training.

5. Never get in a car with a stranger. Don’t accept a ride from someone you don’t know. If you are being threatened, stay where you are. Never get into a car thinking you will avoid damage. You will most likely never be seen alive again…

6. Avoid looking or acting like an easy target. Predators look for easy prey. Don’t give them what they’re looking for.

7. Be aware of your posture. Walk with purpose and in a way that says you are confident. Make eye contact so a potential attacker knows you are not afraid.

8. If you are attacked, do what you have to do to protect yourself. He bites, kicks, punches, screams, scratches, punches and stomps!

9. Learn to use common objects to fight back. Rock, paper, scissors can be a game, but in the right hands, any of these can be deadly. (well, maybe not so much the paper, although I did see it used in a movie once!)

10. Carry and be prepared to use a non-lethal self-defense weapon, such as pepper spray, a stun gun, or a kubotan.

There is never a guarantee that following these tips will keep you safe. But one thing is for sure –No following them will put you at greater risk of being a victim.

Stay safe!

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