Health Fitness

Facts About Water Fasting For Weight Loss – What The Experts Aren’t Telling You

Do you think the best way to lose weight fast is to follow a water-only diet? While you can lose a lot of weight quickly by drinking just water, there are also drawbacks to water fasting for weight loss.

First of all, when you fast on water for weight loss, you can lose a lot of weight quickly. In fact, for the first three days or so, you’ll lose up to two pounds a day. However, after these first few days, weight loss will slow to about ½ pound per day.

Another benefit of a water-only diet is that your body will be well detoxified when you’re done with your diet. When you are on a water fast for weight loss, you will only drink water during the time of your fast. These large amounts of water will remove toxins and poisons from your system.

The downside of this diet is that it can actually backfire because your body has a natural defense mechanism to prevent starvation. This will cause you to lose weight less quickly the longer you stay on a water-only diet. After the first few days of your water fast, your body will burn all stored sugars. At this point, you will think that there is a food shortage and that you need to protect it from starvation. This defense mechanism is what will cause your metabolism rate to slow down.

Another downside to this diet is that the longer you continue your water fast, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue in an attempt to keep from starving. Instead of just breaking down your fat stores, the body will also attack your muscles as a fuel source.

Practicing water fasting for weight loss can also be a very uncomfortable procedure. Most people experience feelings of extreme tiredness and dizziness. Some have even passed out as a result of their low blood sugar levels. However, after three days of fasting, these tired feelings, along with the hunger pangs associated with fasting, usually go away. In general, it is suggested that those who fast on water for weight loss plan their fast over a series of days when they will be relatively inactive.

Water fasting for weight loss can also be extremely dangerous for those with diabetes or low blood sugar. Before beginning any type of fast, people with these conditions should consult their doctor.

Water fasting for weight loss can be a great way to lose weight fast. The practice can also help you eliminate toxins and burn waste products in your body. However, water fasting can also cause muscles to be used for energy instead of just fat. Due to the body’s natural defense mechanism to prevent starvation, your metabolic rate may also slow down and cause you to stop losing weight as quickly.

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