
Do you know what a robot is?

Robots are one of the most popular visions of the future, evident in many science fiction novels, from Isaac Asimov’s “I Robot” to Douglas Adam’s “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” Humanity often fears that robotic technology may advance so much that these cybernetic organisms begin to think and act for themselves, disregarding the human hierarchy. However, the robots we use today are quite harmless and perform a number of useful functions.

Scientists are looking at how robots can work medically to help people live longer, more productive lives. For example, the researchers found that test monkeys can move a robotic hand simply by using their minds. That hand can wave, peel a banana, and pick up objects, simply by reading the brain’s electrical output.

Doctors say medical robots can help stroke victims or paraplegics perform everyday tasks. Currently, electronic wheelchairs can maneuver and computers can write based on one’s thoughts. Dr. Bruce Volpe of the Burke Medical Research Institute is developing a “robotic therapist,” which will help stroke patients perform arm exercises. “By improving movement in the shoulder and upper arm, patients can do simple things like push objects on a table, use a computer mouse, or type,” he explains.

Rehabilitation is another fascinating use of robots. At a consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, Paro Roberts revealed his $6,000 robotic stamps that can replace therapeutic robots for dogs and cats used in hospitals and nursing homes. These exotic machines are also finding their way into homes, as they’re cheaper (and easier) than caring for a traditional pet.

This robot, named Paro after its creator, reacts with noises and expressions of approval or disapproval, depending on how it is handled. Japanese robotic engineering creators say robots could be the key to helping an aging population struggling with loneliness. “Playing with robots reduces problem behavior and they gain a certain peace of mind,” explains Toshiyo Tamura, a professor at the National Institute for Longevity Sciences.

Who could forget the lovable “Rosie”, the house cleaning robot from The Jetsons? While it seemed like every homeowner’s dream come true in 1962, its doppelgangers are now becoming a reality in 2009. Engineers at the MIT Humanoid Robot Group say “Domo” can place objects on a shelf, put dishes away, turn on or turn off the lights, search for items, put away groceries, set the table, carry boxes, and follow basic commands. While the technology is too expensive to be common in every home right now, the future for smart robots is bright.

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