6 easy-to-follow tips to improve mental health

Getting up early, meditating, exercising, and replenishing your plate with a variety of healthy treats can do wonders for a person’s physical health. However, in this fast-paced and technology-driven era, it is not enough to take care of physical health to achieve general well-being. Because mental health and physical health depend on each other, it is essential to take care […]

Sex, lies and videotape in Georgia

Last year, Georgia lawmakers changed the sentences for consensual oral sex between teens. It was a felony, now it is a misdemeanor with sentences of up to one year. This change has sparked a legal battle in the state Supreme Court over whether to release Genarlow Wilson under the new laws. Wilson was found guilty of aggravated child abuse and […]

20 Anytime Gifts That Will Last Forever

It’s that time again. You need a gift to bring to a birthday, wedding, anniversary or any other occasion. Most of us don’t want to receive one more gift, we all want to give and receive gifts that are everlasting. From the thoughtful personalized necklace to the one-of-a-kind handmade trinket; We’ve got you covered with our list of 20 Anytime […]

Why manners matter

“…the principle of civil reciprocity is strong, so it is a matter of utter and overwhelming consternation that it appears to be on the verge of disappearing.” Lynne Truss fumes on the wonderful and impetuous bestseller of her, Talk to the hand #?*! The total bloody rudeness of today’s world, or six good reasons to stay home and lock the […]

Airplane air and its effect on the skin

Even if you’ve only taken one flight in your life, chances are you’ve suffered the effects of “Airplane Air,” the dry, germ-laden mix of recirculated air in the airplane cabin. Itchy eyes, clogged sinuses, and dry skin are symptoms of this monster, and no wonder: There’s less than 25% humidity on an airplane, compared to 35% in most homes. But […]