First Offense DUI

There are strict penalties for a first offense DUI conviction. If you are arrested for a first offense DUI in Michigan, here are some of the penalties you face upon conviction. Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) $100 to $500 Fine: Up to 360 hours of community service. Up to 93 days in jail. Possible immobilization of the vehicle. Driver’s license suspension […]

‘The Code of the Woosters’: a gift for fans of Jeeves and Bertie

PG Wodehouse describes his own writing style as a “musical comedy without music, completely ignorant of real life”. The Code of The Woosters is very much in keeping with that style. The novel features some of Wodehouse’s best-known characters: Bertie Wooster, the affable young aristocrat whose mental gifts are often lacking; Jeeves, his servant, whose mental prowess is known to […]

Rental market in Mombasa

Although there is high demand for rental properties and rental costs are significantly higher in Mombasa, attracting good returns for owners, rental returns can be better. As more people move from the Kenyan hinterland and other overseas countries to the city of Mombasa, whether for work and business, or to enjoy the white sandy beaches, prime architecture, diversity of the […]

Elaboration Processes Performance

It is beyond mortal discretion to understand how much can be accomplished by executing a task after proper prior preparation. It is surprising how ordinary people do not appreciate the importance of preparation in life. They allow themselves to perform important tasks without proper preparation. Executing a task without extensive preparation is a recipe for failure. A lawyer who goes […]

Fill out the Project Management Professional (PMP) application

If taking the Project Management Professional exam is a consideration in the near future, what will it take to prepare for it? It is recommended that you first carefully read the Project Management Institutes (PMI)® website and familiarize yourself with the explicitly stated requirements for taking the exam. The PMP® is an extensive process that requires a lot of individual […]

Benefits of mass media for a company

Over the past 15 years, the media has changed dramatically. Improvements in applications, technologies, changing consumer needs, and an explosion of new media platforms have all played a part in this unprecedented evolution. Now one can toggle between various websites on the World Wide Web, 24-hour cable channels, and even radio shows to stay connected to business news. Access to […]

Should I sell privately as a For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?

Thousands of homeowners wonder whether or not to sell privately. This is a question that gets a lot of attention on the internet and also generates a huge amount of misinformation. Many people want to sell their own properties, but fear the “hidden” problems that may arise to cost them money or cause them injury. Fear is the number one […]