Youthology 90 Second Eye Wrinkle Removal Serum Review

Youthology has developed a unique and extremely effective line of anti-aging products. A proprietary formulation has been designed to help restore younger-looking skin on three different levels. These creams provided deep penetrating nutrients that skin cells need to regenerate. They also release antioxidant compounds needed to attack free radicals known to destroy cells. And they also act as a volumizer […]

A menu of low-calorie shakes

Instead of the conventional breakfast, why not try a smoothie? My recipe is simple, easy to make and great for your health. Yogurt is the base for it and fruits imply low calorie and low glycemic index qualities. They replace breakfast cereals and morning snacks when done right and give you enough energy to easily keep you full until lunchtime. […]

The dangers of belly fat

Did you know that belly fat not only alters your physique, but also poses a threat to your health? You should know that there is more to learning about abdominal fat and it is much more dangerous than just affecting your self-esteem. If left unattended, the lump can be fatal. So let’s take a closer look at how fats negatively […]

Whiskey, wine and a good night’s sleep: prevent the harmful effects of alcohol on your sleep

The nightcap has a huge following: up to 15% of people use alcohol to seduce the sandman, large-scale surveys show. Alcohol’s sleep-inducing effects occur in part because it’s a muscle relaxant (relaxed muscles help you fall asleep faster) and in part because it’s a psychological (or emotional) relaxant, says clinical psychologist Michael J. Breus, Ph. .D., author of Restful sleep: […]

Captain Obvious goes on a diet

I wonder if my dog ​​Willie gets bored walking the same route every day. My inclination is that he doesn’t, but what do I know? Maybe he’s just as tired of peeing in the same bushes as I am as he is of walking down the same sidewalks. Anyway, the bottom line is that I take him for a long […]