The history of Twitter

Twitter entered the internet marketing scene mainly in 2007. With its never-before-seen unique spin on advertising and keeping in touch with friends, it has become a popular tool to use. Most people who use Twitter use it on a daily basis, in fact several times a day. The basic structure of Twitter is in the term, micro-blogging. Microblogging is a […]

The history of the Hasbro toy company

Hasbro’s beginnings began in 1923 in Providence, Rhode Island. Two brothers, Henry and Helal Hassenfeld, came to the United States from Poland. They started a textile scrap company that sold scraps of cloth. By the mid-1920s, they were using leftover fabric to make hat linings, pencil case covers, and various other school supplies. Pencil box tops became very popular, so […]

The basics of a business plan

Do you need investors? Are you looking for a loan? Do you want to apply for a grant? Or has the time just come to do a self-analysis of your business? Are you expanding your business? Looking for new markets? Looking for the next level in your business? Are these all times when you need a business plan? What are […]

US Immigration Facilitated by Attorney Ilona Bray

I helped my wife, at the time my fiancĂ©e, immigrate to the United States while I was attending law school. He was not yet a lawyer, nor had he taken international law or immigration classes. Unfortunately, finances were such that it was necessary for me to do the work myself, rather than hire an experienced immigration attorney to help me. […]

franchise for sale

Have you just decided to open your business for the franchise? Let the right people know. Advertise that you are selling franchise rights in the right place. While you may begin to reach out to friends and family, you may want to go beyond that reach of influence to a broader audience. You may want to join conventions for small […]

A brief history of the record player

The history of the record player, alternatively called a gramophone or phonograph, begins in the 1870s. The phonograph as we know it was first invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. The phonograph, however, owes its origin to research conducted by Edouard Leon Scott of Martinville, who created a device called the phonautograph in 1857. Edison’s invention was improved upon by […]

Humanity – Creationism, Darwinism and Now Realization

Christians all over the world readily accept creationism, Jesus the son of God, the virgin birth, the resurrection. Their acceptance is due to ‘blind faith’. Realizationism like Christianity also requires this blind faith. So an open mind is important when exploring this new concept. How did humanity evolve so rapidly during the Holocene era to become an integral part of […]