
Breathe fresh air in your home – symptoms relieved by air purifier – little maintenance required

It’s time to stop ignoring the polluted air we breathe, both for ourselves and more importantly for our children. Anyone who has read any of the articles I’ve written in my short writing career will know that when I present a problem, I back it up with a logical solution.

Pollution in our air is probably the most dangerous aspect of our daily lives today. We’ve all heard the warnings that our indoor air is at least 5/6 times more polluted than outdoor air (EPA studies have shown this). The chemicals that are emitted from your carpet, laminate, hardwood floors. Not to mention the cleaning agents we use and the particles floating around in our air are mostly dead skin, dust, dust mites and their feces. Not the most desirable thought when you sit at the kitchen table in the morning and watch the sun shine through the patio doors and watch the clouds of particles light up the air.

It is these particles you see that may be causing you or your family the symptoms of numerous airborne illnesses for which you may be puzzled as to their cause. Various unhealthy symptoms include: runny nose, cough, nasal congestion, trouble sleeping, headaches, and even some skin irritations such as rashes. The best way to alleviate the possibility of indoor air contamination is to clean it. People usually avoid buying air purifiers because they don’t like to wash, rinse, dry and maintain the device. The average person; I think they want technology to do that for them. It really is an easy process; go online and find the purifier that best suits your needs and desires; The FAQ or the Manual will help you determine how much effort will be required for maintenance. There are air purifiers that will clean the air and require limited effort on your part to maintain.

Most importantly, treat yourself and the people you love with the consideration we all deserve; that is breathing clean, healthy, refreshing air throughout the day and stop subjecting ourselves and others to harmful bacteria that strain our immune systems. Remember that our immune system is not only flooded through the air, but also where we sleep. Our beds and bedding are as big a problem as our air. Do you wake up with a stuffy nose or find yourself sneezing all night? This may be due to the aforementioned dust mites and their feces. Simply getting dust mite-free bedding may ease those symptoms.

Remember that we are all in this together and by providing helpful innovative solutions, the world will be a healthier and more comfortable place to live. Be good to yourself and to the environment.

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