
Beef Jerky: A Short History and a Killer Recipe

Although beef jerky is probably best known as a pioneering American tradition (think John Wayne or Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett westerns), various cultures around the world have been drying meats as a preservation method for nearly 500 years. Today, jerky is still a popular snack with a wide range of people, and for good reason. It’s lightweight, portable, convenient, and delicious. Whether you’re walking the trails or commuting to the office, jerky can be a quick and delicious snack to keep your energy levels high and satisfy your taste buds.

Here’s a quick look at some of the remarkable history of jerky:
Biltong originated in South Africa in the 17th century. Dutch settlers used their recipes to dry meats in order to preserve game in hot weather. The preparation begins by marinating the meat for a few hours in a vinegar solution, then adding spices: coriander, black pepper, brown sugar and salt. The meat is drained of the excess marinade and hung to dry. A medium cure is achieved in 4-5 days of drying. The pioneers who settled in North America dried the meat by hanging it for several days on their wagons. However, this method slows down to deteriorate and become ill, so they soon began to smoke meat over low heat while camping. This method cured the meat in a matter of hours, compared to days of drying in the sun in the wagons. Since the smoking method required stopping along the way, smoking provided better curing of the meat and reduced spoilage and disease. Native Americans created pemmican from a pressed mixture of cooked meats and berries. The meats available included elk, deer, and, of course, buffalo. South Americans began drying salted meat slices in the sun or over smoldering fires as early as the mid-16th century. Most notable were the Quechua Tribe, a faction of the Inca Empire, who called their brew Ch’arki. The Spanish conquerors hung strips of goat meat on their boats as a preservation method during their long voyages. As they colonized the Americas, the name of their dried meat, Charqui, became common. It is the etymological root of what we now know as jerky.

Let’s be adventurers!
Just because jerky has been around for centuries doesn’t mean you can’t be a pioneer in your own cooking! Making your own homemade beef jerky (or elk, venison, or buffalo) is not only simple and fun, but it also avoids the nitrites, nitrates, and other unhealthy preservatives normally found in packaged jerky offered at the store. And you can control all the flavors you want to add.

Here is my simple but delicious recipe to make a mildly spicy but sweet jerky that’s sure to please – I’ll use a 2.5-3 pound top round roast, often packaged as London Broil. (Besides, London Broil is not a cut of meat, it is a cooking style. Usually what is marked as London Broil will be a Top Round Roast. They work very well for jerky, as they are quite lean and generally good. trimmed.) Trim excess fat and cut roast into 1/2-inch thick strips. Place the strips in a bowl or baking dish. Add the marinade (see below) and toss the meat strips to coat well. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 12-24 hours. From time to time (every 4 to 6 hours) stir the mixture to obtain an even saturation in the meat. Ideally, the meat should be a uniform brown color throughout; This means that the meat has absorbed the most flavor from its marinade. To make the marinade, we will combine what is at hand in the kitchen with a great dose of imagination. Really, you can add almost anything you want. This is one of my favorites:

  • Worcestershire Sauce: 5 or 6 squirts good for a 2-3 pound roast.
  • Frank’s Red Hot (or any hot pepper sauce) – 5-10 dashes depending on how hot you like it.
  • PickaPeppa Sauce (or any fruity hot sauce): a couple of teaspoons or so.
  • Red Pepper Flakes – Optional, but you know you want them.
  • Molasses: about 2 tablespoons. This gives it a depth of sweetness behind all the spicy flavors we just added and really enhances the finished product!

Mix the ingredients well and pour over the meat. As mentioned above, stir the mixture about every four hours during your marinating process. The total marinating time should be at least overnight, preferably longer. I do about 16 hours. When the meat has finished marinating, place the strips on the dehydrator trays. Try to keep the strips flat and avoid the strips touching each other. A 2-3 pound strip roast should use four to five pans. Run the dehydrator at 165 degrees Fahrenheit (or the highest setting). Depending on your dehydrator, it can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours to finish. It takes my unit about 6 hours to make an excellent jerky with a wet marinade. Your time will vary depending on your dehydrator, the thickness of your strips, your environment, and most importantly, how dry you like your jerky. Check it frequently while it cooks, and when it has the texture you like, call it done. (Make sure you let it cook for at least four hours … this should kill any active bacteria.) Just to be safe, I recommend refrigerating your jerky, in an airtight container. It should last more than two weeks refrigerated, maybe longer. If desired, for long-term storage, your jerky can also be frozen; be sure to use tightly sealed plastic bags or airtight containers to avoid freezer burns. The most important aspect of jerky is to enjoy it, both in preparation and consumption! So, on that note, enjoy it!

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