Is fake news a security risk?

Fake news and security So is fake news a security issue? Let’s take a look at a recent news story that is quite revealing. Facebook held a press conference to explain what it’s doing to remove fake news from its pages and therefore from our feeds. CNN’s Oliver Darcy was waiting to ask a direct question about one of the […]

All the Ws of a Business Plan

A business plan is a written description of the future of your business and, more importantly, how you are going to get there. It is a document that explains what you are going to do to make your company profitable and how you are going to achieve it. It defines both your business model and your strategies to make this […]

Highland Park pottery to bring tiles to life

The Highland Park Ceramic Collection will create the quality of being an exciting design that will please everyone for decades. These collections have features of neutral color, glossy finish, admirable shapes, attractive pattern and tremendous texture that will bring ceramic tiles back into modern trends. Let’s take a brief look at some characteristics of Highland Park pottery Highland Park pottery […]

Indian car industry: grows, shines and brims with success

The automobile industry in India has come a long way. There was a time when only a handful of cars like Maruti and Fiat ruled the roads. In recent times, there is a tremendous increase in sleek and stylish cars on the roads. Global car giants like Volvo, General Motors and Ford have ventured into the Indian car markets. Today, […]

Apple tells Sony to take a walk

How much vertical integration is needed in consumer products to make them a great consumer product. Like the Palm Pilot before it, the iPod is the quintessential 21st century consumer hit, yet it is characterized by a highly integrated experience from design to in-store experience to brand experience. Corporations in general have been notoriously bad at creating experiences when they […]

All aboard the Workout Express!

We live in a time-pressed society where the stakes for professional success, social admiration and physical fitness are always present. These goals do NOT have to be mutually exclusive, as modern moms can have our proverbial cake and eat it too, particularly when it comes to fitness! How? The key is to optimize the time that can be devoted to […]

Mohiniattam – The dance of the sorceress

INTRODUCTION: Mohiniattam is a very expressive dance form from Kerala, the most beautiful place in India. It is made up of two words, “Mohini” and “attam”. Mohini refers to an extremely beautiful lady or sorceress and attam means dance. So this traditional dance form of Mohiniattam basically means the dance of a sorceress. It is mainly performed solo, but has […]

Beginner Question: What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence has recently caused quite a stir in the media with Elon Musk’s OpenAI beating the pros in DOTA 2 or artificial intelligence recreating the periodic table in a matter of hours. It is impossible to spend the day on the Internet without finding at least one article that talks about a new feat achieved in the field. In […]

vaginal shaving for beginners

Shaving the bikini area is all the rage these days and more and more women are opting for the full vaginal shave. The idea of ​​maneuvering around her sensitive spots with a sharp razor seems daunting at first. Rest assured though, with this quick start guide to vaginal shaving you’ll be on your way to a smooth mound in no […]