Health Fitness

6 Second Ab Reviews – Does Six Second Abs Really Work?

You’ve seen the six-second sit-up commercials on TV and you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. This program is designed to help you tone and strengthen your abs in a series of six-second exercises.

This is an exercise machine that allows you to do sit-ups without having to bend over on the floor. Helps you maintain perfect form for an exercise program while sitting up instead of lying down.

To do the crunch exercises on this machine, click down on the machine three times and then click up again three times. Each click is one second apart and in six seconds you will have done a perfect abdominal. This program aims to give you the perfect workout for your abs by combining the right resistance with your workout.

To choose the resistance level you want, simply adjust the orange and yellow bands on the unit to choose a resistance level between 15 and 55 pounds. According to the ads, this piece of exercise equipment will help you work your upper abs and obliques. You can even do reverse crunches to work your lower abs.

Consumers who have purchased this product for abs gave it mixed reviews.

However, most seem to be disappointed with their purchase and say that the bands do not have the strength that is claimed. Ads say you’ll actually feel your abs burn fat, but most consumers say that’s a false statement.

On the other hand, there are consumers who praise the usefulness of the equipment and say that it has really helped them. These customers say that those who have had disappointing results were simply not using the equipment correctly. Before you go out and buy this machine, you should test one beforehand to see if it is the right piece of equipment for you.

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