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Here are the top nine facts about successful home-based businesses.

1. Most homepreneurs are ambitious men who want to have successful businesses:

Many people believe that home-based businesses are run by women running cottage industries or e-Bay businesses. But ABS figures show that only 17% of home-based businesses are efficiently run by women. There has been a huge growth in home-based business operators (57%) aged 30-50, particularly men. Ross Cameron, who has researched home-based businesses, says this is the age when men say goodbye and set up a home-based business. Many are in classic white-collar areas and include management consultants, copywriters, financial brokers, lawyers, accountants, IT nerds, and management consultants.

2. Most home-based entrepreneurs work long hours and run established businesses.

Many people assume that home businesses are hobbies. Some are. But ABS data shows that most people work from home more than 35 hours a week and a third employ staff. Most home businesses are also more than five years old. While some business builders move after a few years, most don’t want to move their home base.

3. Home entrepreneurs are very technologically savvy.

Many people still have the image of the cottage industry or the home-based trader. But ABS data shows us that home-based businesses are more likely to be computerized than non-home-based businesses. In fact, this is the reason why they can operate from home.

4. Home entrepreneurs are more likely to be extroverts.

Has no sense? Think about it. If you don’t have the skills and personality to network as an entrepreneur, you will fail. Executives of large corporations who have been fired for no longer fitting into the corporate culture often become lousy home business owners because they take their people problems with them into the workplace. Entrepreneurs also need to make new contacts.

5. Entrepreneurs are comfortable sharing with money.

Home entrepreneurs watch every penny; That’s partly why they’re at home, because it’s cheap. But they must also be comfortable paying for the best technology and the “look” of succeeding in overcoming the “home” image. There are also a host of unexpected costs that come as a surprise to the corporate refugee who has never paid for a color print cartridge in his life.

6. Homepreneurs are chasing opportunities.

The assumption that people start home-based businesses out of necessity because they cannot get a job elsewhere is not true for home-based entrepreneurs. People in this group are opportunity entrepreneurs. As they seek greater personal freedom, they’re also chasing an idea and a chance to do something with their lives, says Jane Shelton, CEO of policy group Marshall Place Associates.

7. Home-based entrepreneurs are an extremely attractive target for marketers and advertisers.

Many advertisers ignore the home business market because it is so diverse and hard to reach. But Shelton’s research on the home worker (which also includes homeworkers who are employed by large corporations) shows that they are a very attractive target. She estimates that there are 2.8 million home-based workers and 45% belong to a higher socioeconomic segment. They are twice as likely to be professionally qualified managers and administrators and six in 10 are big spenders, with nearly half owning and trading shares. They also look for a constant supply of information on business opportunities and investment decisions.

8. Home entrepreneurs are great risk takers.

Home is often seen as a bland option. It is quite the opposite. A new set of challenges is presented. Home entrepreneurs must overcome loneliness, develop sales, marketing and networking skills, learn to multi-skill and juggle, as well as overcome the shock of having to do everything from buying stationery until they hire their first employee. .

9. Entrepreneurs dress for success.

Forget the SOHO office picture with the business owner at tracky daks. Homepreneurs are extremely disciplined and become adept at shutting the front door in the faces of well-meaning friends. They start the day in cafes with their laptops or newspapers, dressed for work.

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