
Am I alone in this world? No, points to ponder!

It is an overly complex topic but extremely simple, within the concept and the context. However, many heads roll ambiguously due to the undesirable and unwarranted propaganda of the materialistic organization in possession of the finances and resources. What conspires and happens within the mentality of human beings from a few powerful lobbies will not spread the sincere wishes of the masses at large.

The hot and most talked about topic among people, regardless of any intelligence, has deeply affected every individual. The “COVID-19 PANDEMIC”, has not only created fear, but has also physically and mentally damaged the human fabric itself. It is opportune to mention here that the human being is vulnerable in his existential reality. It is best described as the fear of the unknown. Although there are few professionals and non-professionals who advocate the dark side of the entire game plan of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

It is at this time, how an individual acts and reacts to these electronic media and social media information throughout the day. It is ironic that the literate, despite being aware of the facts and figures, are strongly influenced by the information they see and read. The other group, who are less fortunate and do not have access to medical knowledge, are carried away by snippets of media reports. Therefore, it creates waves of uncertainty and doubt in your mind. Thus, we all become part of the slimy circle that has its horrendous effects on all of us.

Although there are many forms of suffering, however, I would like to highlight the impact it has on youth and adults alike in this 21st century. Depression, lately, has become the talk of the town affecting today’s generation from all walks of life. Analyzing the core of the reasons in the broader perspective rather than medical, psychological in their existing situations. Here it is necessary to mention that doctors, except for very few, invariably administer drugs to patients. Most are negatively affected by these drugs and suffer extremely, leading to death by suicide. As Shakespeare said, “A coward dies many times before his death.”

Dr. Catherine Leaf, a renowned communication pathologist, says she would never prescribe medication for patients suffering from depression. She further adds that it gradually and effectively degenerates the mind, leading to brain damage. When we consider the causes and reasoning, we evidently conclude that people indulge in negative thoughts that lead to loneliness. They become pessimistic and consider that everything they do ends in a fiasco.

The current ‘Covid 19’ situation has translated routine negative thoughts and simple obstacles into a huge setback among the masses globally. Lockdown and social distancing have not only made us vulnerable, but also fearful. It catapulted negative thoughts to such a low level that people’s lives end in death or disability. In the absence of vaccine and adequate medication, blood suckers; Hospitals and other opportunists making a fortune on these people who are trying to survive and get rid of this Pandemic.

Jonny Sun while speaking on Ted Talk says: “In these dangerous and insecure times, in the midst of everything, we must hold on to each other. He also says that it is a small thing made of small people, but he thinks it is a tiny, very tiny, tiny, tiny little light in the dark.”

The positive impact it can leave on those people who turn these moments of fear into profitable ventures. They read lots of books, write useful and informative articles, and learn lots of interesting new skills. They translate their hidden talents into a profitable result. In fact, it is a silver line in the dark clouds.

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