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Adaptive clothing for stroke patients

After having a stroke, one may experience hemiplegia or hemiparesis that causes weakness on one side of the body. As a result of this weakness, the stroke patient may have great difficulty dressing. While in a rehab facility, stroke patients and caregivers can learn hemiplegic bandaging techniques that focus on using the unaffected arm and leg to bandage. These techniques focus on placing the weak arm and leg in the clothing first and using the strong hand to pull the clothing over the paralyzed limbs. Other techniques to aid dressing may involve the use of adaptive equipment, such as a dressing stick. With severe disability, dressing or undressing can sometimes be too difficult even with hemiplegic bandaging techniques or special equipment. There is a solution to this dilemma. The answer for problem clothing is adapted clothing or clothing for the disabled. This type of clothing is designed to make it easier for caregivers to help the patient get dressed. Adaptive clothing and apparel are easier to use due to adaptations such as the following:

* Velcro or snap closures instead of buttons

* Designs that allow a person to dress from a seated position.

* Zippers located on the front of clothing.

* Front closing arm

* Velcro on shoes

* Open back clothing

* Wrap skirts

* Side opening pants.

There are also clothing and accessories that help with safety and cleanliness, such as non-slip socks, arm guards, and protective bibs. Another important aspect of clothing made for the disabled is that it can accommodate problems such as bloating or poor circulation. It also allows for quick changes when bladder or bowel incontinence is a problem. Even the pants can be changed from a sitting position without standing. Adaptive clothing is not only convenient, it is offered in trendy styles that will allow the stroke patient to feel discreet. This is important to help preserve the dignity of stroke patients who do not want to be trapped in hospital gowns or quirky, attention-grabbing clothing.

Adaptive clothing is priced comparable to regular clothing and can be purchased from various online websites. Two of these online places are and Silvert’s website (based in Ontario, Canada) offers a catalog of clothing recommendations for stroke patients, as well as clothing tips for use with the Silvert adaptive clothing line. Buck & Buck has been manufacturing adaptive clothing for over 33 years and is based in Seattle, Washington. If you are a stroke patient who experiences problems dressing every day or a caregiver who has difficulty helping a loved one get dressed, adaptive clothing is worth checking out.

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