
70/30 Custody and Visiting Hours

The 70/30 physical custody program is a program that is often chosen by the parents or the court. With a 70/30 schedule, your child will spend 70% of their time with one parent and 30% of their time with another. This schedule allows your child to spend the most time with one parent, but still be an important part of the other parents’ lives.

Below are two existing schedules for you to consider if 70/30 custody works best for your situation:

every third week

This schedule works by having your child live for two weeks in the home of one parent and then one week in the home of the second parent. A great benefit of this schedule is that your child still spends time living with each parent for longer periods.

There are a few things to keep in mind before choosing this schedule. The first is the age of your child. If your child is in school, both parents must live near the school. Each of them must be able to transport the child from one part of her activities to the other.

The second issue to consider is your relationship with the other parent. Can she communicate what happened to the child at his house while they were there? Can you let the other parent know what events the child has coming up? You will not have to see each other much but it is important that both of you can communicate without problems.

The last issue to consider is your child’s personality. Many children like to spend more time at each parent’s home helping them feel like they have a home base. However, some children struggle with being separated from a parent for so long. One way to help this anxiety is to let the child call the other parent whenever he wants or go to the other parent’s house for dinner once a week.

Every weekend

The all-weekend schedule basically has the children living with one parent during the week and the other parent on the weekend (two nights).

This schedule can be more difficult because only one parent has weekends. Sometimes the parent who has the child for the week often feels like they do all the hard work while the other parent plays. However, this schedule is great if it works for all parties involved, especially if one parent works weekends or travels frequently.

The 70/30 physical custody schedule is a great option, and there are other schedule options. The important thing for you is to research all of your options so that you can make the best decision for your child.

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