Real Estate

20 ways to increase sales with direct mail letters

1. Adapt letterhead

If you use company letterhead for direct mail, tailor it to your needs. The name of the company and the sales benefit should be highlighted. If you want people to email you, then the email address should stand out. If you want to be called by phone, highlight the phone number. Use the footer as a place to increase sales by drawing attention to a trade association or quality control brand. Keep the legal information as small as possible.

2. Postal folds

Do you want potential customers to respond by mail? Include a prepaid envelope.

3. Long letters

Don’t be afraid to write long letters (on one page). No one will buy something without enough information to make a decision. Keep selling until you run out of outlets. Every word should be relevant, without rambling.

4. Be friendly

Address your letter to someone you know if possible because it shows that you care who they are. The second best option is to approach them because of their work or interest, for example. ‘Dear dog owner’. The worst greeting is “Dear Sir / Madam”.

Close the session in a friendly way. Instead of having a secretary sign the letter for you, sign it yourself. Include your first name and a friendly title. “Customer Service Manager” says your company cares about its customers.

5. Powerful headlines

At the top of the letter, write a title that communicates the main benefit of the product. It gives the potential customer a reason to keep reading. Keep it clear and simple – think communication, not clever pun.

6. Powerful openings

Grab your reader’s attention. Study magazine and newspaper articles. How do they do that? It works? Use your research. Here’s a list of letter openers to get you started:

7. Subheadings

Subtitles make the lyrics digestible. Each subheading must sell the product.

8. Ask for what you want

Don’t beat around the bush. If you want your reader to buy your soaps, let them know. If you want them to subscribe, ask them to sign up (and make it very easy). Ask right away, don’t leave it until the middle of the letter.

9. Talk about benefits

Learn the difference between features and benefits. Instead of saying “the X65 mower has a barrel of sixty rotating blades,” say “the X65 mower develops a healthy lawn in a few weeks.” Decide what is the most important benefit and put it first. All other benefits follow.

10. make it personal

Address the reader as if you were sitting next to them. Make it about them and not about yourself. Every time you type “we”, try to change it to “you”.

11. Emphasize the important points

Emphasize important words by using bold or underlining, but don’t overdo it or you will lose power. Indentation to emphasize key paragraphs.

12. make sure the lyrics flow

Gently guide the reader from one point to another. Sentences must be linked (‘what is more …’, ‘but …) and ideas must be stated in logical order.

13. Engage the reader to take action

Your letter should end with a “call to action.” Now that you’ve sold (hopefully!) To the reader, make it easier for them to act. Don’t complicate it by providing lots of choices that involve decisions. It also gives an incentive: “respond before August 20 and you will receive a free watch.”

14. Provide peace of mind

Make sure the reader knows that they can’t lose. For example, let’s say you won’t accept payment until the product has been shipped, or you won’t be charged for 60 days.

15. Use a PS

When you receive a letter, do your eyes go straight to the PD? So does your reader’s. There should be a new ‘just remembered’ perk here to seal the sale.

16. make it a pack

You do not need to send a letter on your own. A creative package is likely to generate a higher response rate. You can include a sample of your product or a promotional item that will be a constant reminder of your company, for example. a coaster or pen.

17. Include a response device

Prepaid postcards with checkboxes make life easier for potential customers. If you can print your name and address, so much the better. Reassure people that a salesperson will not call and that they have no obligation to buy.

18. Include an endorsement

Satisfied customer feedback is helpful, as are market research statistics: “85% of our customers have used us for more than 2 years.” Always be sincere. Never be tempted to lie – doing so misleads your customers and undermines your reputation.

19. Involve the reader

Ask rhetorical questions: ‘What would you do if …? Write down questions that potential customers can ask and answer them: ‘How much will it cost?’ Give an example of a company or individual that reaped the benefits of your product: “When James & Son bought our product, they cut their production costs in half in one week.”

20. Overcome objections

Make a list of all the possible reasons why your customer might not buy. Decide how you would respond to these objections and put them in your letter. For example: “I can’t afford it now” could be solved with a simple payment plan. If you think people will want to compare offers with other providers, please provide a comparison chart.

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